SIG MMG 338 Program Series

STRATAGEM – New Product Line Brochure

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STRATAGEM has made available their brochure from the recent 2015 Enforce Tac expo in Nürnberg, Germany. It features their 2015 product line.


2 Responses to “STRATAGEM – New Product Line Brochure”

  1. mike says:

    My only complaint is that the Mithril Molle Minus carrier doesn’t come in Flecktarn, but the improved design on the battle belt looks great… especially in Flecktarn!

  2. BLyon says:

    Love there products, but (and I’m going to be raising my shameful gamer flag here a bit) they might want to be careful about using art from Elder Scrolls Online. It is stylized to an extent, but I don’t know that that would be enough to avoid lawsuit.

    Wouldn’t want to see them hit any legal issues.