AT Series by 5.11 Tactical

At The Front – WWII Equipment Reproduction Company

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Established in 1992, At the Front is a company based in Central Kentucky, near Lake Cumberland. They offer authentic WWII reproductions for films, museums, and collectors. Over 90% of their products are exclusive to their company, and many of their reproductions are produced in-house. These reproductions are thoroughly researched and cross checked against their collection of thousands of originals, ensuring the highest quality and accuracy in appearance.

The most popular product line offered by At the Front is their 506th PIR paratrooper list. This includes authentic jump helmets, Corcoran jump boots, web gear, jump suits, and more. Additionally, customers can purchase tanker jackets, Ranger uniforms like those worn at Pointe-du-Hoc, dress uniforms, USMC frogskins, and much more.

Take a visit to At the Front at their website: and at their Facebook page:


14 Responses to “At The Front – WWII Equipment Reproduction Company”

  1. Dellis says:

    Awesome! (where’s the velcro?)

  2. Strike-Hold says:

    Awesome company and awesome products.

    I used a bunch of their stuff back in my WWII living history days – and even jumped one of their complete 506 PIR ensembles into La Fiere drop zone for the D-Day Anniversary in 2004.

    • Marc Fogerty says:

      I would have seen you from the ground while dressed in my ATF jump suit, saw the C17 drop near Ste Mere Eglise too. That was one scorching hot week, the weather was fantastic.

  3. Nino says:

    Strike-Hold, My Dad probably jumped with you that day, I was on the DZ with a broken leg from the jump in May… Talking ADT?

  4. Chucker says:

    Wow, that is some beautiful work.

  5. Jon, OPT says:

    A great shop for militaria, good post SSD.

    Jon, OPT

  6. TOM says:

    Great company and love the owner’s attitude! I got a tanker jacket from them that has been my favorite jacket the last 5 winters.

  7. Darrel says:

    Been a big fan of At the Front since about 2006, although I haven’t actually purchased anything from them. It’s even still a bit too expensive for my needs, but they are definitely an industry leader.

  8. Seth says:

    My 11 year old has an a school assignment to pick a historical figure to depict as part of a wax museum setting. He chose Dick Winters from the Band of Brothers series. I bought him the “inexpensive” paratrooper uniform and the musette bag in order to support his character choice. All the items far surpassed my expectations and should last him for a number of years. I still enjoy perusing their site although I have purchased what I need for the time being.

  9. Reeky says:

    I have a M1A1 Carbine w/ the folding stock. Granddad gave it to dad, dad gave it to me. Its the Kraut Killer ’44!

  10. BAP45 says:

    You should read the “Daily Rant” section. Pure comedy especially for anyone who has worked customer service/retail before.

  11. Brett says:

    Great company to work with! The owners ongoing rant about “Khaki” is classic. Hopefully they can find a new supplier for their outstanding repo boots.

  12. Uniform223 says:

    compared to what they had to work with back then… we’re spoiled.