SureFire XC3

MDM – Leatherman – Tread

The Tread is a 25-tool multitool in a bracelet form. Made from 17-4 stainless steel, the Tread consists of multiple ‘treads’ which feature a variety of common tools. Some of those tools include:

– Cutting Hook
– Bottle Opener
– Oxygen Tank Wrench
– Carbide Glass Breaker
– Pick/Sim Card Tool

As well as various screwdriver and hex drive bits.

Leatherman is also offering the Tread QM1, a variant of the Tread with a Swiss-made timepiece.

Additionally, Leatherman is also offering every component of the Tread for individual sale, including the timepiece, for replacement or customization.

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7 Responses to “MDM – Leatherman – Tread”

  1. Evets Steve says:

    any word on a g-shock adapter ? countycomm needs more of my money…

  2. Darrel says:

    Looks like it would get caught up in my arm hair. not my cup of tea. I don’t really think this is anyone’s cup of tea, really, but it’s a neat idea.

    • redbeard33 says:

      It actually doesn’t get caught in arm hair at all. I’m as furry Norwegian as the get and have worn both versions around the show without issue. It is a very innovative little piece of gear and works better than it looks. They’ll sell tons of them.

  3. Dev says:

    Went on the Leatherman website looking for more information on the actual timepiece. Judging from the price it’ll most probably be a quartz piece, and it does look like it’s a Sinn.

  4. Henrik says:

    How much of a gym-holic does one need to be to not look stupid wearing these?

    I like the the idea and how it looks, I just do not have armwrestler type arms.

  5. Brett says:

    Another example of why I love SSD. I really get off on all of the creativity, design and vision that goes into all of these awesome new products.

  6. Ex Coelis says:

    Massive COOL… Need one(Black DLC with attendant Watch, if you please). Doesn’t look all that heavy, either. Hugely cool design. Easily agree with RedBeard33 – they will sell tons of these(literally and figuratively). Looking forward to getting one of these on my wrist, soon!! Thank you for this post, SSD! Sa-lute!!