GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Zero Point And Kopis Mobile Pay Homage To Draper Kauffman – Part 3

Draper Kauffman Tribute

draper Kauffman 3

Photo by James Cheever, U.S. Naval Academy Museum

In a 3-part series to honor the Father of US Navy EOD and US Navy UDT/SEAL, Zero Point and Kopis Mobile will pay tribute to Admiral Draper Lawrence Kauffman by presenting a few key bullets from his remarkable career, unveiling a few custom designs attributed to his exploits, as well as working up donations to contribute to SOWF and EODWF. Don’t miss it – and visit their booth to find out more at SOFIC – Booth #1818.


Photo: Smith & Wesson Model 625 .45 ACP Revolver, Smith & Wesson Model SW1911 .45 ACP, Custom Logan Riese Motorcycle Jacket, 100oz silver 30mm, 10oz silver .50 Cal, 5oz silver 12 gauge, 2oz silver 7.62, 2oz silver “No Prey, No Pay” Coin, 1oz silver 5.56, 1oz silver .45 ACP. Photo courtesy of Zero Point

Part 3 of 3: Zero Point and Kopis Mobile are shooting Silver Bullets @ SOFIC!

Stop by booth #1818 for your chance to win a pure silver bullet.

You can win a 1 ounce silver bullet from the hourly drawings with a special prize given at the last drawing each day. You don’t have to pay to participate in the drawings, but all donations are greatly appreciated and will go to both the SOWF & EODWF in honor of America’s first “Twin Pin”… Admiral Kauffman.

For the drawings, there are different donation levels and each level earns you a unique gift or more.

$1 – “Pea-Shooter” Level = A Sticker of your choosing AND one chance at hourly drawings

$5 – “Slingshot” Level = A Morale patch or Koozie of your choosing AND one chance at hourly drawings

$10 – “Gunfighter” Level = A ball cap and any one of the previous items AND two chances at hourly drawings

$20 – “Grenadier” Level = A Pin Up Girl T-Shirt and any one of the previous items AND three chances at hourly drawings

$50 – “The Bomb” Level = One each of the above and a 9mm (1oz) Silver Bullet AND unlimited chances at hourly drawings

End of Day Drawings

  • One  10oz Silver .50 Cal Bullet ($200+ value, current market)
  • One Custom Zero Point 1st Line Tool Kit ($250 value)
  • One custom “Suzabelle” Corn Hole Board Set ($250 value)
  • Also, take your chances to win a 1 oz Silver Bullet at the “Fire In The Hole” game within the booth.

    $5 donation gets you (1) One toss and a Morale Patch or a Koozie or a “Fire In The Hole” Challenge Coin. If you fire it in the hole you get a 1 oz Silver Bullet.

    $10 donation gets you (3) Three tosses and any two of the above. If you fire one in the hole you get a 1 oz Silver Bullet for each one you make in the hole. Making all (3) Three in a row earns you a 5 oz Silver Bullet or equal.

    The term “Silver-Bullet” defined:

    1. (noun) A quick solution to a difficult problem.


    Come meet the B.O.M.B. SQUAD at booth #1818

    B.O.M.B. Squad



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