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Battle Dress Through The Centuries by Soldier Magazine

The US Army’s Soldier magazine has a cool article on battle dress uniforms including the garment in the left of this photo which was issued following the Spanish American War.




6 Responses to “Battle Dress Through The Centuries by Soldier Magazine”

  1. Pierre says:

    To the people who say it isn’t a fashion show please look at this post! Good one SSD!

  2. majrod says:

    Great read.

  3. Lasse says:

    Thanks for posting this!

  4. Philip says:

    Great article!

    What kind of boots was the soldier in the six-color desert uniform photo wearing? They don’t look familiar.

    • Terry B. says:


      As I recall there were several different prototype desert boots tested with the six color uniform but none were initially selected for production. The picture shows one of those test boots.

      For the Sinai mission in the mid-80s (the first deployment for the desert uniform) I believe everyone was issued OD jungle boots.

      The early unit deployments to Desert Shield (82nd, USMC, 101st) were also in OD jungles.

      The story goes that GEN Schwarzkopf personally pushed for the immediate fielding of a desert boot (basically a modified tan jungle boot) and a fair number of the troops got those before Desert Storm kicked off.

      I just don’t remember if the desert boot that was eventually fielded was one of the early test prototypes or not.


  5. Disco says:

    People are gonna look back at 2004-2014 and wonder what people were smoking for 10 years.