GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

It’s Art, Really

Yesterday, I attended a panel at the Atlantic Council on the new novel, “Ghost Fleet” by PW Singer and August Cole which supposes a future conflict. This recruiting poster was created as part of the complimentary Art of World War III project also hosted by the Atlantic Council.

Chris Martin and Ben Mauro
“Make History”

All of the art can be seen at motherboard.vice.com/read/the-art-of-world-war-iii but this one reamins my favorite for a variety of reasons.


5 Responses to “It’s Art, Really”

  1. ??? says:

    Asymmetric Advantage, sounds like Jade Helm on world wide scale.

    • Airborne says:

      You mean a training op, commonplace amongst high readiness units such as those found in special operations? Do you think the Walmarts are really just FEMA camps? This is why Madison didn’t want average people to vote.

    • Philip says:

      The facepalm is strong on this one…

  2. david says:
