“Reap” A New Print from 30 Seconds Out

20% Of the Profit of the sale of this print goes directly to USAFTACP.ORG.




17 Responses to ““Reap” A New Print from 30 Seconds Out”

  1. Veteran says:

    wow…… blaspheme much?

  2. Sean says:

    I have one of Evan’s Victory prints. They are top notch!

  3. I like it – well done

  4. nwjeep says:

    Soldier Systems, thank you for promoting this piece! This started as a gift but Evan from Thirty Seconds Out has too big a heart to keep it for himself and now it has grown into a big fundraiser. I am amazed at how much this has exploded into what it is today and I hope we can raise some good money for the TACP Association because of it. Thanks again.

  5. Andy B says:

    Looks great, and great cause. Just ordered mine.

  6. Lightfighter says:

    I don’t think it’s blasphemous but think it too much to align U.S politics with the Lord’s. That said, some people need killin’ .

  7. Dellis says:

    Scripture is filled with passages not only speaking of the horrors of war but also the need for war at times.

    Two passages I am fond of.

    Psalm 144:1
    A Psalm of David. Blessed be the LORD, my rock, Who trains my hands for war, And my fingers for battle;

    Nehemiah 4:14
    “Do not be afraid of them; remember the Lord who is great and awesome, and fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives and your houses.”

    • Veteran says:

      I appreciate your response and agree with you Dellis. The verses you quote are not blasphemous to put on a patch nor are they addressing Christ’s rightful place as judge and ruler of all judging us all equally (if one were to read verses 14-20 and not just vs. 15 this would be made patently clear). Taking verses addressing man, or the man who penned the text, giving glory to God for the victory he was given by God’s grace and mercy is not blasphemous as it does not put us in a position where we are breaking the first commandment and demonstrating the fullness of pride. We must read the Bible in context or we end up abusing the text and teaching it in a fashion contrary to the rest of scripture. The context given in the aforementioned verses, including verse 15, make clear who the, “Him who was sitting on a cloud,” is…. Christ.

      The reason I posted my earlier comment was and remains to bring emphasis to what the text quoted on the patch (Rev. 14:15) is confessing. Christ (not us) and that He will exact justice at the end of days, not man and our feeble attempt to keep evil at bay (however honorable it is).

      All mankind (the harvest) will be reaped together (Remember the parable of the wheat AND the chaff?)

      No matter the hardness of the warfighter, nor his capability to wage war on his enemy; one must bear in mind that if we quote scripture we must agree with all of it or refrain from cherry picking as we see fit. The Bible is not about us, it’s about Christ and we are just blessed recipients of His revelation through it.

      The first commandment clearly proclaims, “You shall have no other gods.” This even includes one’s natural desire to assert one’s self into His Word where He is clearly teaching of Himself.

      Hopefully this helps clarify what I was addressing in my earlier comment.

      • nwjeep says:


        As the creator of this piece, I’m sorry you found it offensive or “blasphemous.” I too am a Christian and believe what you do, and I was not meaning to compare the guys downrange to the Lord. However, these men are reapers of those that threaten our great country, and in these times, the harvest is very ripe. You can take it however you want and that’s the beauty of America and art, we can all agree to disagree. I was drawing a parallel, not comparison, to the fact that until Judgment day, the closest thing we have to Christ sitting on a cloud ready to do work is brave men sitting in an AH-6 Soul Stealer hovering above the LZ ready to drop in on those who wish us harm. I hope this clarifies the use of Revelation 14:15 in this piece. Take care.


        • Veteran says:

          Thank you Zack for your response. Your civility is appreciated.

          Let me start out by stating that I was not offended nor was I looking to judge you or 30 Seconds Out. I read the text surrounding the verse a couple of times before posting and was saddened to see that scripture was taken and then was used to prooftext an alternate focus than what the passage itself clearly illustrates on one of my favorite sites to kill time every day, Soldier Systems.

          I know all too well of what you speak regarding the evils of man and how deplorable their actions are. As a former “Killer Man’s Son,” I know what the face of evil looks like having born witness to them both in person and as remains left behind.

          That being said, I believe we’ll have to agree to disagree regarding the difference between comparing and paralleling ourselves to Christ as we are all going to account for our sins and it’s only Christ’s righteousness which will justify any of us regarding the scene described in that chapter when the time comes.

  8. CRH says:

    Holy Cookoo clock christian batman… I find it extremely interesting that Christians are so Judgmental when the prime directives of Jesus is to be humble, to forgive and to love. Jesus hung out with whores and robbers, rebuked the self important, and turned water into wine. Truth be told he was probably a rad guy to hang with. I find christians who are arrogant enough to try to force their interpretations of a book written by men not by god onto others very distasteful.
    If you’re little feelings are hurt, go read another blog and stop being a bitch.

    The Art is Awesome and the Message is Awesome. I will be buying this print. Great work 30 Seconds Out!!

  9. CRH says:

    Holy Cookoo clock christian batman… I find it extremely interesting that Christians are so Judgmental when the prime directives of Jesus is to be humble, to forgive and to love. Jesus hung out with whores and robbers, rebuked the self important, and turned water into wine. Truth be told he was probably a rad guy to hang with. I find christians who are arrogant enough to try to force their interpretations of a book written by men not by god onto others very distasteful.
    If you’re little feelings are hurt, go read another blog and stop being a b**tch.

    The Art is Awesome and the Message is Awesome. I will be buying this print. Great work 30 Seconds Out!!

  10. Dellis says:


    I understand what you are “trying” to say but in correcting others for being “judgmental” you have judged them have you not?

    Now if one holds to a belief that God is Christ come in the flesh, then Jesus was in fact very judgmental. Yes He broke bread with sinners but notice He never condoned their sin.

    This space though is not for preaching so let us move on.