TYR Tactical

Triple Aught Design – CORE

CORE is Triple Aught Design’s training arm, consisting of multiple unique training experiences that you won’t find elsewhere.


Take for example Field Forecasting, Disaster Dentistry and Edged Weapons Overview.  Diverse as they are, the titles are straight forward and give you a good idea of what skills you are going to pick up.   But I’m intrigued by an offering named Becoming Oddysseus which promises to be an in depth course in Red Teaming.  

Sure, Edged Weapon training is quite common, but this one is from ShivWorks.  There’s nothing average about that, and once you get into the various course descriptions you realize that rare opportunities like these are worth a trip to San Francisco.  



12 Responses to “Triple Aught Design – CORE”

  1. CRH says:

    Core? Magpul Much?

    • Vereceleritas says:

      To be fair, Magpul just recently recently renamed Magpul Dynamics. TAD probably had this in the planning stages way before that change was announced.

  2. mark says:

    Ed’s Black Box escape/ counter abduction training is really unique as well. Hoping to make the next one.

  3. Dellis says:

    Knowing my luck I would go for the class the day when Cali breaks off into the ocean and becomes an island the size of Burbank!

  4. Doc says:

    Hmmmm.. Has anyone been to the shop in SD lately.

    I’ve been a major fan and backed TAD for a a long time. Go visit the company and you will see why we changed who we do the business with. Still have a neat design but lost my business, not sure it matter to them, anyway. 🙂

    • Dellis says:

      Eh…ok, I went to the site. What is it I am looking for? Now I had never been to TAD prior to this first visit so I have never bought from them but they seem to carry some nice brands, carry some well known custom blades and seem to believe strongly in their mission statement of the right training, right equipment equals high outcome of survival.

      What is it that makes TAD a company you no longer wish to do business with??

      • Doc says:

        Dig in deep see who they are… I meant SF up there. ^ .. Sorry..
        Like I said , neat designs, product was always good , my cash goes somewhere else. … The people.

        • L.Washing says:

          sir, please be more specific…if you have interesting intel then share it please…dont be so cryptic…for the sake of this community….thank you

        • Dellis says:

          Oh…so you meant the liberal slant of SF itself?

          If so I can understand that but if like-minded people are there, and I speak of a more constitutional conservative mindset, doing business perhaps we should support them all the more??

          Take care

  5. Elephant Rider says:

    Can’t recommend the Shivworks courses enough. Craig has an extremely well thought out coursework that will leave you battered and a much tougher target. Took me a week to recover from ECQC.
    Force on force validations are a must.