Protact by Haartz

Crye Precision – Product Profiles

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Crye Precision has just launched the new Product Profile feature on their website. Product Profile shows a variety of action shots accented with icons on the various products. Hovering your pointer over one of these icons shows which product it is, along with a link to the product page. There are profiles for the Military, Law Enforcement, and Low-Vis focused products, with multiple images per profile.

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You can check out the Product Profiles via the Crye Precision main page at


4 Responses to “Crye Precision – Product Profiles”

  1. ThatBlueFalcon says:

    They also just added the Fieldshell 2 to their product lineup.

  2. Matt Pring says:

    In the low viz section there’s a guy wearing what looks like a wolf grey plate carrier/vest? Could this be a Crye product?