B5 Systems

Situational Awareness – It’s A Thing

This reminds me of a section in the book “Starship Troopers” during training where Rico talks about being so fixated on all of the displays in the suit that a guy could walk up and hit you over the head with a rock.  

14 Responses to “Situational Awareness – It’s A Thing”

  1. jm says:

    pure gold.

  2. JKifer says:

    freaking hilarious

  3. Lcon says:

    The Guy with a Knife Standing behind you likes your post.

  4. Pro Patria says:

    It’s not a phone, it’s a NETWarrior checking out his friendly PLI.

  5. Tech says:

    +1 for the starship troopers reference

  6. Disco says:

    What Would Wilkes Do? (Uncommon Valor reference)

  7. Matt says:

    What is the pic from?

  8. CF says:

    “If you load a mudfoot down with a lot of gadgets he has to watch, someone a lot more simply equipped — say with a stone axe — is going to sneak up on him and bash his head in while he’s trying to read a vernier.”

  9. AGL Bob says:

    There’s gotta be an app for this.

  10. Al Covey says:

    One…Down to the roadblock, we’ve just begun. Two…The guards are through…

  11. Bobby Davro says:

    So funny but so true