
The L-3 Communications Settlement With The US Government Over Fraud Charges Stemming From EOTech Holographic Weapon Sights

For those interested in details of L3’s settlement with the US Government.

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7 Responses to “The L-3 Communications Settlement With The US Government Over Fraud Charges Stemming From EOTech Holographic Weapon Sights”

  1. Invictus says:

    Page 6, Number 4 is the thing you’re looking for…


  2. LCSO264 says:

    $25,600,00 WOW!!!!! that is a lot of coin

    I’m curious, is this a problem with all of their sights or is a specific model? I’ve only been half way following this, and whether it is model specific or not is something I missed somewhere along the way….

  3. SGT Rock says:

    Can someone say “death knell”?

  4. Sal says:

    One thing that I’m confused over is if this is either an inherent design defect or something related to L3’s takeover. It seems that all of the sights affected were ones manufactured after L3 acquired EOTech.

  5. HD says:

    Now I finally know why all of our eotechs that we had in Okinawa would get dimmer after about a year of use.

  6. Jim says:

    I experienced the dimming on my last issued eotech, but it was 7 years old at the time. Guess I had a good one for being 7 before it failed, unlike the others at far earlier time frames. I love the eotech but this is very very disturbing.