
This Is A Proper Short Length

We’ve often debated the perfect length for shorts here in SSD. I’d say, these are just right.


75 Responses to “This Is A Proper Short Length”

  1. Adam says:

    That one of the African counterinsurgencies or what?

  2. Mike Honcho says:

    He seems conservative. Some of the Rhodesian guys had really short shorts; almost Dallas-Cowboys-Cheerleaders short…I guess when you kick that much ass, no one cares if your junk hangs out.

  3. Old fut says:

    While being a badass, I’d still snicker at his shorts. To me closer to the knee is better.

    • matty says:

      Dude that’s the worst. The issue PT shorts are at knee height. I have to hike those bastards up any time I want to get a range of motion in. Basketball shorts are for nubs.

      • Airborne_fister says:

        When I was in a little over 2 yrs ago. The pt shorts were pretty short. Not as short as ranger panties. But they are short. Then again I’m 6′ 2″. And I weight 175.

        • matty says:

          6’2″ as well Navy PT shorts are garbage long. I miss getting to wear whatever shorts I wanted.

  4. Mike says:

    Combat Chubbies! The original trendsetters!

  5. Rich W says:

    Selous Scout and their “Daisy Dukes”.

    • Bill says:

      I don’t get it. I can’t walk through a Midwestern meadow in shorts without having my legs come out looking like they went through a food processor – wearing them in scrubby Africa?

  6. Chuck says:

    Fucking nailed it. Anything longer are short pants.

  7. CapnTroy says:

    Looks like he’s mated his shorts with a pair of Etonics, making himself a veritable picture of seventies sartorial splendor…

    • Loopy says:

      Actually those are adidas Dragons… came out about 7-8 years before Etonics became popular

  8. MRC says:

    Give me UDTs or nothing!

  9. Rob says:

    Is that Job from Arrested Development in Rhodesia?

  10. Dellis says:

    I sported that same OP Hawaiian shirt riding board at Skatetopia back in early 80’s

    • Bill says:

      Skateopia? Did I arrest you?

      • Dellis says:

        Ha ha…no, but we did get chased off a lot of property way back then.

        You were a officer in that area?

        • Bill says:

          Still am. It was like the Special Olympics for cops, but they’ve toned down a lot. Kids these days, no motivation or pride in what they do. Won’t even put in the effort to cause a good disturbance. That and the Halloween block party in A-Town.

          • Dellis says:

            Well Officer Bill, as a kid back in the first days of Skatetopia and Concrete Wave we were just interested in taking our boards and riding them in and on places that allowed a smooth, fast ride, and surfer chicks walkin around in Dolphin shorts and Ditto pants!

            I was brought up to respect the police so I never had issues but again we just wanted to have fun. Worst I was involved with was being chased off a strip mall and in them doing so my buddy fell off his board, we all watched stunned as it went thru a store front window! His dad was beyond pissed. Good times.

            You stay safe out there

  11. D.B. says:

    Nope, sorry.

    But if your thing is abercrombie-preppy, go for it, why not.

  12. Thomas 67 says:

    Good GOD, man – where are your socks!

    • babola says:

      There are so many things wrong with that attire, lack of socks will be the last thing on his mind.

      Summer-beach-assault frogman in Adidas athletics. He seems to have misplaced his Ray Ban’s though.

  13. Dellis says:

    I always liked the British style short, as in length. Seemed to be just above the knee.

  14. BillC says:

    Can we argue waist hight? Goddamn those are high.

    • Gary says:

      Mil-spec uniform pants standard.

      It’s the high front, unfortunately. I never liked it with my BDUs and ACUs, but once strapped with a belt it doesn’t feel that uncomfortable.

  15. KeatonP says:

    Thank you. I’ve been saying and wearing them for years.

  16. xpoqx says:

    The civilian world looks at you funny when your wearing shorts that high above the knee, I’d only rock shorts that short for PT.

  17. babola says:

    Should be tagged with WTF? …

  18. Big Juju says:

    What’s he got in those pouches? Doesn’t look like spare AK mags …

  19. Henrik says:

    Killing Communists is hard work. Best to stay well ventilated. 🙂

  20. Justacivie says:

    This are great till you see the ladies

  21. Henrik says:

    I always wear shorty shorts at this length whenever socially acceptable. I was blessed with legs that catch women’ss eyes (hey it’s true) so I would just be stupid not to wear them.

    But mostly I want the most ventilation I can get.
    I absolutely hate getting sweaty in the groin area and the consequent possibility of “infantry fire” which it is called in the Swedish Army.
    It is one of the few things that can really demoralize me.

    • Matt says:

      So, as a man, you have actually looked at your legs critically? Not only that but you came to the conclusion “they catch woman’s eyes?”


  22. Jayson says:

    like I have said for years when asked what size Ranger Panties I wear…

    “I don’t always wear Ranger Panties, but when i do. I always wear them two sizes too small”

  23. paul says:


  24. Reeky says:

    anyone who disagrees obviously skips leg day and doesn’t want to show off their chicken legs

  25. Tom says:

    They work for me. I was recently having a minor medical procedure and was in a gown. Two younger nurses commented on what great legs I have, by the way I am 71 years old.

    • Matt says:

      They were just hoping to get you to marry them because you are close to death. Couple of years of old guy sack and then they are rich. Gotta watch those sneaky woman.

  26. Ross says:

    Saffers and Rhodies loved the look!
    We surely did hunt communists quite effectively!

  27. Brian says:

    Let’s just face it…..there’s no other way to kick ass, than in a pair of shorts with an AK, or better yet, an FN Fal. Add one Aloha shirt and your ready to do damage. It’s what I’ll be wearing in the apacolyps. ?

  28. Unimog says:

    Can’t leave the motorpool without Kevlar, sleeves down , pt belt , briefing, ground guide etc in conus… Sgt major would implode if we rocked that look.

  29. Derek says:

    Way too short, looks like a gaybird. Right above the knee not right below the sack.

    • SSD says:

      You may have rather pendulous balls but for all but the mutants among us, balls won’t fall out of these. UDTs? Sure. The example below? Possibly. But the shorts above? No.


      • Bill says:

        That’s gotta chafe, even if it is a dry heat.

      • Pete says:

        LOL, talk about Light friggin Infantry…

      • Matt says:

        Those guys are the true inventors of paracord 550. They used it to tie their sacks to their belt buckle so they wouldn’t drop out. Interestingly enough, even though they invented the 550 strength, these feel as had to use the 750 strength.

  30. Scott says:

    I’ve seen two people say the shirt is Hawaiian is it not Standard Rhodesian Camo?

  31. SGT Rock says:

    I only rock Dickies and the ones that go past my knees, unless I’m doing PT & have to wear what the Big Green Weenie tells me to.

  32. Pete says:

    As a white guy from the West coast who grew up around skate, surf, and snowboarding in the 90’s (who also doesn’t skip legs day), those are a bit too short for me. I like them just a tad longer for PT and right about knee length for casual/cargo shorts (and board shorts or jammers for swimming). Honestly, once the silly liner is removed, I actually like the new Army PT shorts – I wish they had some actual G#*d*m pockets in them, but the cut and the length are pretty good for me. Maybe a hair longer than I would prefer, but all around pretty darn good – except for the aforementioned continuing lack of any G*#d*m pockets. In any case, waaaaaay the f**k better than the damn 1970’s swim trunks that passed for PT shorts before. Those damn things reminded me of the swimtrunks my parents bought for me as a small child which I was embarrassed to be seen in as a damn second grader – stupid things made everyone look like Baby frickin Huey.

    Frankly though, I still think they should just make it “Black shorts with no logos coming to within 4″ of the top of the kneecap and presenting a tidy appearance.”

    That and un-tuck the damn shirt – God we look like a bunch of f&*king special ed kids – grown ass men running around with t-shirts tucked into our shorts… f*#king embarrassing.

  33. Riceball says:

    Those aren’t that short, not when you compare them to the shorts they used to wear in the NBA back in ’70s.

  34. MacDeth says:

    Only one length of shorts for real warriors.

    I present the “scurry on over to my scooter” length.

    Got to :17

  35. ACME Inc says:

    If you dare wear short shorts, Nair for short shorts…