SureFire XC3

This Is A New One

Care of the Tactical Norwegian.

26 Responses to “This Is A New One”

  1. Dellis says:

    Shut up….and take my money!!

    • Steve in North Carolina says:

      A disposable 1911 with great lumens, knives and a laser? THIS is what the market has been missing.

  2. Kevin says:

    But where am I supposed to put my MOLLE beer cozy?


  3. jjj0309 says:

    It’s.. beautiful…

  4. Erin says:

    looks like one of those self leveling cameras

  5. Reverend says:

    Anyone see the humor in the fact when that slide comes back, BOTH of those blades have a potential to hit the shooter? Generally in the face?

    This… is… SPAH-TAH!

    • TM says:

      That’s ’cause you’re doing it wrong… You only pull the trigger after you’ve stabbed them with both daggers. Duh.

  6. Adam says:

    NEWS:William Petty signs with Springfield Armory in hopes of providing them with all the lumens.

  7. Allon says:

    Sneak peak at the latest magpul/surefire collaboration: 8,000 lumens and 200rnds of .45acp

  8. James says:

    counter balanced 1911… perfected! do I have to wear a bump helmet with a propeller on top while using this weapon?

  9. Big Juju says:

    Who makes a holster for this?

  10. Chausser1814 says:

    This looks like something that would come out of procurement at the Pentagon after ten years of development and cost about $15K per unit.

  11. NP says:

    That laser aiming device tho…

  12. 1c3 says:

    Probably what the Army will select to replace the m92.

  13. straps says:

    Saw a similar setup on a Hipoint once.

  14. phil says:

    i wonder if it is balanced for throwing.

  15. Billy says:

    Already cold and dark all day in Norway these days.

    When one run out of things to keep the mind busy and no woman, the mind wanders.

  16. derp says:

    Mako Group be like…

  17. Brian says:

    Wouldn’t go into battle without one….

  18. Brian says:

    And short shorts too….does it come with a suppressor?

    • Dellis says:

      Incorrect. This complete set up is larger than the short shorts. No way to conceal. In fact I could not conceal that thing in my Ford truck!

  19. Airborne_fister says:

    Is it outlawed in states since it has “bayonet lugs” and is the mag count height then 10? If not a solution to the cal and mass bans!?!

  20. Andy B says:

    Hmmmm, going to have to figure out a new way to speed reload. Stripper clips?

  21. S. says:
