GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Corps Strength – The Real Apocalypse


As a Marine and life long gun guy, I do my best to get to the range on a regular basis. Plus as a citizen that carries a Concealed Carry Weapon, I feel it’s a serious responsibility to keep my skills up, not just for my sake, but for those around me. Depending on what shooting I go to several different ranges in my area, both outdoor and indoor. Shooting is very popular down here, not that it’s not in other places, but the fact we have decent weather year round and very little restriction on gun ownership (good thing), the ranges are almost always crowded.

In these crowds you’ll see a wide range of different types of people. People shooting hunting rifles, home defense folks, skeet shooters, men, women and kids of all ages and different ethnic groups. A wide range of skills and experience for sure but overall good people. With that there is one group that always shows up (in larger and larger numbers as of late) and I’m sure you’ve seen them; the camo down, geared up, military style guys. I’ve seen this group at ranges all over the country and within the law people are free to do what ever they want and I would be the last one to try and tell free people what to do with their time and money.

However one thing that you notice with this group other than the obvious fact that they’ve spent a lot of money on gear and weapons is that most (not all) are way out of shape. I have always found this a curious thing. Meaning that if you are into the whole military thing (from my experience, most aren’t or never have been in the military), you would think that you would also want to at least get into reasonable physical shape like the military? I have heard many of these people speak about “Prepping” and their fear of a coming “meltdown” of society, in which they would be need to prepared with weapons, food, etc. to survive on their own. I know these people are well stocked with all the best gear, but in a real situation all that stuff and planning won’t mean anything if your body can’t hold up (let alone perform at a high level) in a tough situation. To be honest seeing these people squeezed into expensive tactical gear is funny to see and has become a joke on the internet (where I got the attached picture), as it’s so common. So it’s not just me noticing this.

In reality, I’ve seen this actually play out during some of the major hurricanes we’ve had down here. I’ve see people that were in poor condition (and not just older people) have a very hard time dealing with the stress of evacuating and the recovery afterward. Just for one example, I saw out of shape people in my neighborhood that were virtually helpless trying deal with the aftermath of hurricane Ivan. The heat, humidity were extreme and there was no power for over a week, so no AC. Myself and several other Marines spent a lot of time helping these people (neighbors) and we were glad that we could, however I hate to think what would have happened to them without help. Some ended up in the hospital anyway.

My point is this (and I’ve said this many times before), is that you have to “prep” yourself first. Before you gear up Rambo, get yourself in at least reasonable shape. My book Corps Strength lays out a simple and effective way to this and costs about as much as one box of 9mm. Get in shape and be truly ready to deal with the real world. Not to mention you’ll avoid having your picture become an internet joke.

I hope everyone has a Merry and Safe Christmas. Enjoy time with your family and friends and be sure to say a prayer and raise a glass to our brothers and sisters serving in harms way during the holidays.

Semper Fi




71 Responses to “Corps Strength – The Real Apocalypse”

  1. Ramsey says:

    How does he have an MBITR?! Is my question. Soooo he is defiantly in some kind of service? If its military….. His chain of command must love him….

    • Gary says:

      Not necessarily. Many of mall ninjas like the one on the picture wear them for show only and to complete their fully geared-up look. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a non-working one, either.

      • SG says:

        A friend went on a course and said he was the only student wearing a legit Ops-Core, while the rest of yokels who brought helmets weren’t wearing legit PPE helmets, but airsoft knock offs for LCF.

        I guess I could see using a replica BASE Jump and getting away with it, but when someone sneaks a peek inside your lid of Airframe, only to find it’s a plastic shell, you don’t look cool anymore…

    • babola says:

      It doesn’t mean it’s a real thing. Airsofters have been using a replica AN/PRC-148 MBITR for some time now.

      • Chuck says:

        Wow. Why in gods name would you want to replicate those?! Do they have a guy with a replica Base Station somewhere who they call “radio”?

        • Kaos-1 says:

          Twinkie X-Ray, Twinkie X-Ray, this is fat-ass 6 , radio check , over

        • balais says:

          I dont know, but experience tells me they know shit about the displeasures of having that thing around. If I went airsofting, I would go absolutely slick for mobility.

          But at least its better than a SINGARS in a ALICE.

        • mandaloin says:

          I quit airsoft because it’s really just cosplay. I wanted to play a game where you shoot BBs at people, everyone else wanted to play dress-up. Replica radios help with that.

    • Jon, OPT says:

      Since leaving an SFODA I bought a fake 152, placed 2.5 pounds of weight in it, and use it for testing gear. The loads I test are based on realistic combat loads.

      I’m not so much worried about this guys 2 lbs of fake radio, I’m concerned about hauling his extra 300 lbs of unreleasable body weight off the field if he has a massive coronary during game play.

      That said I have met some guys who were college and pro football linemen who were just as massively big, and could run some skinny fuckers into the ground, walk on their hands etc. Body size or composition doesn’t necessarily define overall physical condition. Most military guys have known that occasional physical oddity that was built like a pile of shit but PTed like Rocky training to fight Drago. YMMV.

      • Ramsey says:

        Ok ok valid point! Damn you SFODA smart guys… I was at Bragg for 3 yrs, I never saw an SFOD-A operator built like a pile of shit. All skin, bones, muscle and veins. I will take our word for it though. Did you reach out to the companies to test there gear out? Or did they find you!?

        • Jon, OPT says:

          There are exceptions (rare oddities) is the point, most are built like the sinewy bastards they are, not to mention the vast majority that just look like any other guy.

          I test gear from companies I have been reached out to by, or I think are worth testing. I prefer to buy the gear, then run it through paces, mostly just equipment appreciation PT. That’s just one way I verify quality.

          • Dev says:

            Trained with an ex SASR PTI once. He was built like a brick shithouse / world’s strongest man type physique but he ran 7 minute 2.4km times.

            The best part? He was 48. PT’d all us “young punks” to shame.

            • Jon, OPT says:

              That’s a 4:40 mile, that’s pretty fucking impressive, the fastest I ever did, with downhill grade, was about 5:15, and that was 30 lbs ago, at 27 years old.

    • MED says:

      I was wondering the same

  2. D.B. says:

    An those like the guy on the photo are the ones I’m afraid the most as in the case of real situation they’ll be the first to go trigger-happy.

  3. Bill says:

    Truer words never spoken. Unfortunately, getting into and staying in shape can’t be done on the web with a credit card.

  4. Jian Hong says:

    I saw this pic years ago on LF, Im sure this disgusting fat-ass is an airsofter (that bolt carrier looks very smooth and he’s wearing yellow flagging, typical airsoft team ID)

    I’ve also noticed some of the biggest sports fanatics are as big or even bigger than fatty pictured above, very ironic.

    I’ve geared up when shooting before even though Im not active duty anymore. Personally, FROG is far more comfortable than jeans and cotton t shirts and I do it at private ranges anyway. Now that I got some Vertx trousers its time to test those in a couple of weeks…

    • james says:

      Yep, airsofter. EVC is a taiwan based battery mfg for airsoft guns.

    • BAP45 says:

      You’ll love the vertx. I got two a while back and would wear them every day if I could

    • AlexC says:

      Another thing that gives it away is the fire-selection switch. I can’t think of any pre-86 ban lowers that have coloured labels.

  5. Chris Adams says:

    I always thought of it as good prepping. That extra 40, 50, 100 pounds is actually stored energy that will come in use during the zombie apocalypse. While those of us silly enough to regularly attend the gym and eat sensibly will be forced to face the zombie hordes or face starvation, those who decided to graduate from tactical to strategic in size will sit snugly in their bunkers playing Call of Duty.

    So in the end the joke’s on us.


    • Thomas 67 says:

      I was kind of thinking along those lines at first. Of course this wouldn’t have been planned out that way… but yeah. What Chris said.

    • James M says:

      Like a hydration pack, but made of fat. Be prepared.

    • Riceball says:

      Alternately, if they’re out and about having a few extra large folk around can come in handy when facing a horde of zombies, it’s like the old saying about outrunning a bear, you only have to be faster than the slowest person in your group. Same applies to overweight and out of shape people, you just need to be in better shape than them to survive.

    • Asinine Name says:

      ‘those who decided to graduate from tactical to strategic in size’

      Beautifully put sir. You win the SSD Comments Section today.

    • balais says:

      That and them folks can literally conceal a Uzi in their waistband, so I agree. We need to check ourselves.

      (I kid. I kid 😉

  6. Erik says:

    It shouldn’t take having to actually stuff your gut into your pants to realize you should have made different life choices.

  7. Thomas 67 says:


  8. Dave says:

    Love the man FUPA. In a cold weather emergency he could provide warmth for a family of 3 in there while maintaining a high ready whilst scanning for threats.

    • Asinine Name says:

      There’s 300 lbs. of high-calorie body cheese hidden in those sweaty folds. But who’d be desperate enough to eat it?

      *vomits in mouth*

  9. Dev says:

    At least he won’t be short on MOLLE and PALS real estate. A genuine struggle I face with every day.

  10. Larry says:

    Keep it simple and in this order.

    No.1 – Manage your health
    No2. – Take care of your family
    No.3 – Do your job (employment) well
    No.4 – Enjoy your hobbies.

    Everything will all in line afterwards.

  11. PT6 says:

    That dudes belt is a ticking time bomb.

  12. Paralus says:

    I’m gonna start R&D on a new absolute must have:

    the Tactical Defibrillator

    capable of fitting into either a large SAW or double magazine pouch.

  13. Dellis says:

    Here in the flour torilla capital of the world, South Texas, we have these types ALL over…literally ALL OVER!

    I joke with my kids that in a Zombie outbreak the zombies are gonna eat good down here! While having fat Ted for an 8 course meal feeding 10 we can easily escape.

    “Hey, it’s not fat. I am wearing body armor bro!”

    This guys IFAK consists of a turkey baster, twinkie, chocolate yoohoo and gummie bear chest seal.

  14. DI says:

    We actually had a guy show up to an open enrollment carbine class with Twinkies in one of his mag pouches! Another extremely overweight guy almost died (literally) in an outdoor range class in hot humid weather. We had to pack him on ice to bring his core temp down and get fluids in him asap. That was a wake up call for him. He has since lost at least 100lbs.

    • Dellis says:

      Well thats a great turn a round for him!

    • Bill says:

      Oh yeah, and trying to bury an IV through all that goo knowing that full well that any saline that actually gets in there will back up behind a logjam of bacon bits, and the the training team will all get hernias trying to winch him into the bariatric meat wagon that gets stuck on the range road.

  15. Redbeard33 says:

    Well, he’s got to wear his bad choices and lack of discipline out in public. Ours are hidden beneath our refined musculature.

  16. Craig says:

    His face is a lovely shade of red….

    Hearts trying to tell ya’ something…

  17. Huch says:

    Gotta love fat preppers. Prepared for everything but heart disease.

  18. Jimbot75 says:

    Packing a lot under the belt though – thats gotta be good right…..right?

  19. Kaos-1 says:

    Just like the verse in that running cadence, “if you wanna be infantry you gotta be thin”. It’s not just about being healthy and in shape. It’s mobility, especially when you have any where from 90 to 130 pounds or more of kit on. Unfortunately shithole foreign countries aren’t as gluttonous as ‘Merica, doorways, hallways, Windows , hell even streets and alleys are a hell of a lot smaller than here in the good ‘ol USA. When you’ve got all your gear on you pretty much feel like an immobile turtle as it is. It’s a bitch to fit through some places . That’s why we always kept the “linebacker” framed guys out of the stack and had them pull cordon. They’d just slow down the flow of the “room clearing”. Plus they were good at “man handling” the “detainees” once we got them out of the buildings.

  20. Matt says:

    I wonder what that guys real story is. It would seem to me to be a good thing is he out doing something active. Instead of sitting at home.

  21. Matt says:

    Oh. And just to poke a “little”(see what I did there?) look at the patch above the evo patch. It says NEO. Anyone know what that means besides me? Yea, I’m a geek for knowing it but in this case it is right on. Near Earth Object.

    • KaosKydex says:

      That is a blood type patch and actually says B NEG, not NEO. SO, you can go back to being a geek now.

      • Matt says:

        Hey. I tried. Isn’t that what all the new metrosexual dads are telling their kids now a days. “Hey you tried and that’s all that matters. Winning isn’t important.”

  22. Asher says:

    Lets not forget to mention he has a scope ring mounted on his handguard. Extra precision right?

    • Tacticoooool says:

      He had to move it forward due to the high recoil on his Airsoft gun. Blowback pistons can be a BITCH

  23. Tom says:

    A fresh out of the donut shop LEO showing his creds.

  24. MGunz says:

    You guys are funny, actually this the pic I was going to use. However I work with a an original member of Six and didn’t want to make any association, however looking back it’s makes more sense.


  25. D Willy says:

    Am!en Brother!! Shot Show should charge by the pound….make a fortune

  26. Joe F says:

    Laugh now but all we need is water and time. After 6 months, we’ll still be around, and by then we’ll fit into the good kit you skinnies leave behind. 😉

  27. Mike says:

    His blood type patch should say “Maple” due to the enormous amount of pancakes he must be eating to earn that physique.

  28. Phenome says:

    I’m seriously impressed with the capabilities of that belt!
    What make is it?
    It’s definitely not your usual load-rated, climbing-certificated scuba/parajumping webbing material to hold all that…..organic material together.

    That has to be some super-secret NASA-designed orbital-reentry-safe Nano-Giga-Stuff…