
Salomon Forces 2016

In its second year, Salomon Forces is not only releasing a new colorway (Burro), but several new footwear styles as well.

Jungle Ultra

Jungle Ultra

The Jungle Ultra is a new jungle boot, which was developed to perform in warm environments. Its features include drainage holes, sipping, and waterphobic foams. It will be available in Burro and Sage Green. Warning, Burro is darker than Coyote, and the Sage Green is darker than the Air Force Sage Green.

Salomon Forces Speed Assault


The Salomon Forces Speed Assault is completely new and essentially a Mid height version of the popular Speedcross. They don’t even have this new shoe on the commercial side yet. I’ve been wearing a pair for several months and I really like them. Easy to done and doff but none of the issues with dirt and debris entering the shoe like on the low models. latest iteration of the Speed model within the Forces line. It is a low-profile shoe, with a 6mm heel to toe drop and an EVA shaped footbed.

Toundra Pro CSWP


If you’re interested in extreme cold weather boots, then Forces has you covered with the Toundra Pro CSWP. The Toundra Pro CSWP is the replacement for the Toundra Mid CSWP starting July 2016. It’s rated to -40, which is where Celsius and Fahrenheit overlap.

Keep checking for additional info on each of these models.


44 Responses to “Salomon Forces 2016”

  1. Texas-Roll-Over says:

    Salamon jungle boots…finally.


  2. bulldog76 says:

    make em in 14 wide and ill be good to go

  3. Gear Guy says:

    Is the Speed Assault more like the Speedcross or the Fellraiser as far as the toe box goes? My Speedcrosses gave me a very bad case of Plantar Fascitis because of the narrow toe box, so I am hoping they used the wider toe box of the Fellraiser.

  4. Erik says:

    You had mentioned you’ve had the SpeedCrosses for a while. Does the new height offer ankle support at all? My old pair of the regular SpeedCrosses have ran what is probably their last trail, and these look like an awesome replacement. Any extra ankle support would be an added bonus for my use.

  5. Aims says:

    They are missing out on a lot of business by not offering those jungle boots in coyote.

  6. Aaron says:

    Too bad they aren’t AR-670-1 compliant. 🙁

  7. t1tan says:

    Really hoping for wide sizes of the Speed Assault

  8. Francis says:

    What about ski-march boots?

    • SSD says:

      Not from Salomon

    • Orvar says:

      I keep wondering that as well. At least here in Europe civilian Solomon are big in ski boots, and a boot for military operations in extreme cold weather that isn’t ski compatible makes no sense to me.

      • SSD says:

        How many members of the military ski as part of their duties?

        • Sumbro says:

          I would guess most of the militaries of Finland, Sweden, and Norway.

          • Orvar says:

            Beaten to it but yes, here in northern Scandinavia patrolling on foot is impossible during winter out in the sticks, and snow shoes just don’t have the mobility of skis.

        • Strike-Hold says:

          The ones who find, fix and finish the enemy….

          • Kemp says:


            Skiing is big among infantry in europe. Which is, coincidentally, where salomon is based.

        • arche says:

          Excellent point and given where and what we spend most of our time doing when deployed, skiing is a niche at best. Aside from the schoolhouses and very small/select teams, I would say no US military unit takes a ski rqmt, if it exists, much further than the ski-vacation/winter camping level unless they are gearing up for an exercise in Norway and even then we are usually stretching just to get the boys ready to cover Haakon and Sven’s ski tracks with snowshoes. Your site does a commendable job covering cold wx/mtn/arctic clothing and gear. However (and as you well know) there is a persistent gap between the equipment (which is really really good now compared to what was available 10-15 years ago when I was cutting my teeth in mil cold wx/mtn schools and deployments) and the competence of the average North American military unit when it comes to “find, fix and finish the enemy” in the polar/mountainous regions. No slight intended to Strike-Hold below of course but IME we are inexperienced and inadequately trained to even achieve basic mobility and survivability….and that is a stretch for most. Having a couple of unit “Mil mtneers/CW leaders/ML’s/etc.” and a yearly 1-2 week unit stint in VT, CA or AK is inadequate when we consider ops in the cold wx/mtn/polar, but it seems to be the current standard. There are logical reasons for this, chiefly that it is a rare GO/COCOM who can justify the expense and especially the time needed vs vastly higher priority rqmts…but I still find it odd that there is a sense, particularly among politicians the media and the public, that US forces are competently trained for the cold and mountains and are ready to don skis and whack the enemy at a moments notice.

          • SSD says:

            Right on!

            • Strike-Hold says:

              Very well said Arche.

              When I went through Arctic Warfare training courses in the mid-1980’s with my unit in the 82nd Airborne Division we trained on equipment that was pretty much unchanged from what was used in the Korean War! And it looks like things haven’t changed much since the ’80’s either.

              Also, apart from some units in Alaska, maybe some in Korea, and a few instructors in Arctic / Mountain Warfare schools the US military does seem to have an aversion to skiing as a combat mobility skill. Of course a big part of the reason for that is that its a difficult skill to master, and it requires regular practice to keep the skill up-to-scratch as well – and we simply don’t seem to have that earmarked as any kind of a priority.

  9. Mike P says:

    Are they finally gonna make them in wide sizes?

  10. JJ says:

    I like seeing new models with features we asked for on SSD. Looking forward to seeing if there’s anything else.

  11. Gear Guy says:

    I see some Speed Assault and Quest 4D’s in my not so distant future.

  12. Gary says:

    Thanks for the teaser, when can we get them?

  13. historia says:

    Yes my green jungle lust can finally be slaked

  14. Jason says:

    Any chance this year for an all black Quest model with a polishable toe for police work? The powers that be frown upon the Hershey bar look.

  15. Thonas says:

    So any chance these are in compliance with air force regs for sage Green? My Lowa’s gave me a case of Plantar’s.. Still been wearing my Rocky C4 ever since..