RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

OR – Princeton Tec Update

Princeton Tec is upgrading their headlamps for 2016.  For example, the APEX is bumping up to 330 lumens from 275.


Also, the AMP 1 is doubling from 45 to 90 lumens and the AMP 3.5 is going from 100 to 170 lumens.


However, they’ve also introduced the new T1 and T2 which is handheld light rich with features. Both offer 250 lumens with the smaller of the two offering a 1:15 of regulated light and the larger, with more juice at 3:30 of regulated light. Regulated light means that it is consistent until the battery is dead. It is designed to fit universal light mounts for weapons and has a strike bezel as well as a deep carry clip to keep the light out of sight when carried in your pocket.




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