
Side Project

Something really cool is going live today. It’s a new effort by a group of industry guys I’ve known for years. They’ve had their hands in some of the most iconic AR accessories of the past decade and I cannot wait to show you what they’ve come up with now. This stock adapter for the Scorpion is just a taste.


7 Responses to “Side Project”

  1. James says:

    That looks perfect!

  2. Reseremb says:

    Is the newsletter system working? still didn’t received the confirmation email that the website asks for

  3. Texas-Roll-Over says:

    time for a new set of underwear…looks great.

  4. 18Derp says:

    Looks excellent! Nick, PLEASE PLEASE get us a grip!?

    I’d put shorter MLOK handguard on the list (~5″ barrel) and a new trigger pack on the wish list, maybe one that let you rack the gun with the safety on, but I’ll settle for a proper grip.