TYR Tactical

19th Group “Silent Warriors” Demonstrate Awesome Power Of Bow And Arrow

These 19th Group SF Soldiers (not yet Green Berets) circa 1961, demonstrate their prowess with the bow and arrow.

If you want to see the entire documentary, produced by the Army as part of “The Big Picture” series, make the jump.

Thanks RYP!

14 Responses to “19th Group “Silent Warriors” Demonstrate Awesome Power Of Bow And Arrow”

  1. AbnMedOps says:

    What a different operating world SF would be immersed in just a few months and years after “The Big Picture”.

  2. xpoqx says:

    What is going on with that muzzle device on the M1 Garand?

    • AbnMedOps says:

      Looks like an M1C or D, minus the optics. These were the sniper variant of the M1 Garand.

      I recall that our ARNG mech infantry company had two each of these, with ancient scopes (don’t know if they were C or D models) in the arms room into at least the late 1980’s – for all I know, they still have them.

      We also had (4?) pump shotguns and some M3 “Grease Guns”. I believe the Garands and the shotguns were a National Guard-unique thing, due to the Title 32 (State) mission of riot control, etc. The grease guns were the MTOE assigned weapons for the armored recovery vehicle, IIRC. Don’t think the M1’s were ever fired, but I was assigned to run an M3 grease gun range the very first morning I walked into the unit. Had never used an SMG before, and no one else knew much, but fortunately I DID happen to have Chuck Taylor’s book “Combat Shotguns and Submachineguns” in the back of my car, so that became the “primary reference”. 🙂

  3. historia says:

    Thanks for the post really enjoy it, lets bring back combat archery

    • AbnMedOps says:

      During WWII in the ETO, at least one US Division had an archer who was brought up for sentry elimination tasks. I read a short article about or by him, about 30 years ago. Might have been in SOF or a gun magazine.

  4. Fail83 says:

    No where in the Constitution does it say that law abiding Americans have to right to own these dangerous “earth penetrating” flingers of pointy death ghost sticks. They should be ban to protect our children; or heavily sanctioned and taxed just to piss people off.

    -Future quote from a Democrat party member…

  5. SurfGW says:

    Makes one reconsider bow hunting

  6. Keith says:

    Rambo clearly had the right idea.

  7. Designated Diver says:

    I didn’t watch the entire video but this film was made long before the Special Forces tab (“long tab”) came about. It might be that the men in the video are indeed Green Berets…I don’t know for sure, just throwing that out there.

  8. Riceball says:

    Those old training videos are so much fun to watch, they’re just so cheesy by today’s standards. I love the sound effect that they used for everything, esp. the bows and they actually go on to mention how quiet bows are despite the sound effect they used being nearly as loud as the guns used later on. It makes me wonder though, do any modern Spec Ops units still use bows or crossbows and if so, does anybody use a high draw weight English longbow?