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Haley Strategic – D3 Rifle Sling


The D3 Rifle Sling was designed by Travis Haley, building upon a custom design for his Force Recon platoon during a deployment. The D3 Sling is designed to be convertible between two-point and one-point, and is constructed of MIL-W-4088 type 7 webbing, with a tweave durastretch shoulder pad, and stainless steel hardware.

Below, you can check out a video of Travis Haley going over the features of the D3 Rifle Sling:



9 Responses to “Haley Strategic – D3 Rifle Sling”

  1. At last I can stop bodging my own together (well, for weapons that have QD anyway). I’m somewhat surprised HSP didn’t go in on this one a lot earlier in their existence, but I’m sure LOTS of work was done on this release so I’m certainly not going to complain. Look forward to trying one out.

    • Chris K. says:

      It’s been in development for quite awhile.

      • SSD says:

        I saw prototypes last year. I know Travis has been working on this for quite some time. He’s had some really cool connectors that I wish he’d release.

  2. kerbert says:

    Nothing really new here in the 2 to 1 point sling arena other than the inflated price tag. The QD adapter is ready available and I’ve already converted plenty of good BFG and VTAC slings with them.

    I’m not always one to complain about price but $90 for some flat webbing is a bit high.

  3. Bob says:

    “Building upon a custom design for his Force Recon platoon during a deployment”

    I’d bet money this is complete marketing crap. Just a simple way to name drop.

      • Bill says:

        I need another sling like I need another foreskin, but if he’s as genuine as he comes off in that video, I’ll get one, or two, or three just for tripods and briefcases and towstraps.

        • I’ve followed him online since the early days of Magpul Dynamics and I’d love to take an HSP class (alas; ITAR), but apart from a brief 4-5 minute conversation at SHOT I can’t claim to know the man at all and I’m sure we all know that no person is perfect and would apply the ‘every story can have 2 sides’ philosophy to everyone we meet. My overall impression however is very much in line with the one you seem to have and I think the fact that it takes HSP a long time inbetween product releases says a lot.