TYR Tactical

EOTech Update – The Checks Are In The Mail

Generally, when you hear “The check is in the mail” it’s about as reliable as “it’s only a cold sore” or “just the tip.” But this time, it’s true. Earlier today, those who sent in the earliest of the EOTech Holographic Weapon Sights for refund came home to an envelope containing a check. Who has received theirs?


Thanks NH!

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28 Responses to “EOTech Update – The Checks Are In The Mail”

  1. Ty says:

    Just the tip, haha love it

  2. Got mine morning of 2/10/16

  3. JKifer says:

    Hell ya, looking forward to it.

  4. Barf from Spaceballs says:

    uh oh, Optics and Ammo are soon to be out of stock

  5. Reeky says:

    wow, how much is this gonna end up costing them?

  6. Abu Amiri says:

    Genuinely surprised that they are doing this. Should this become widely known, I would imagine this will cost them millions.

    • Leo says:

      Well considering that they are at least at claim 10000 and the average cost of each unit refund is like 550, the cost right there is 5.5 mil not including all the other costs with administering the refunds.

  7. Mutt says:

    Anyone cash theirs in? One guy on a forum said the bank said it was no good.

  8. JGayle says:

    Received my check today. If anyone is curious, EOTech received my sight on December 14th.

    Also, I don’t know if the Claim Number printed on the check correlates to the number of refund requests they’ve received, but mine is #646.

  9. Brad says:

    Mine was received by Eotech on January 8. Never got a receipt mail but was told(by rep at new CS line) my claim number was 10954.

  10. JKifer says:

    I called today and spoke with a rep. He told me that my check was mailed today and should be in my hands by the end of next week. I received approval to return on 12/10/15 and confirmation of my return on 1/15/16. My EXPS3-2 was in perfect running condition, however living in NE WA it was actually experiencing the POI shift due to cold weather.

  11. Neal L Martin says:

    L3 has had my two EOTech HWS’s since before Christmas (12-24-2015)… still waiting to get my refund check(s).

  12. R. Johnson says:

    My check for $697 showed up today. They received my sight on 19 Dec. I’ve been torn between an MRO and a T-2, but I think I’ve pretty much decided on the T-2.

  13. Chris says:

    Got mine in the mail today. Cashed and spent as well on a replacement Aimpoint. I’ll say this, Eotech came through on their word.

  14. Michial says:

    Why are refunds being done by such an amount…is there something wrong with their products? Which products are being returned? I was about to get one with my taxes

    • Mitchell says:

      Reading is fundamental. Why are you asking questions without reading? Why are you not researching on your own? Is your keyboard broken?

  15. Mitchell says:

    512 received by L3 on 23 December 15
    Check for $474 received on 17 February 16

  16. Mad Skillz says:

    To those who have received your checks, did you receive an email indicating that your check is in the mail??

  17. John says:

    Has anyone gotten a refund for their model 553?

    After waiting for three months for an email response, I finally get one today stating that the 553 was never sold to civilians. And they cannot refund nor return my model 553. My 553 was purchased in a local firearms store!?! And model is still available on Midway, Amazon, and another handful of firearms websites…

  18. Dkski says:

    Got my check today Mar 21st.
    Return request approved Jan 3rd, sent out the 5th was received by them on the 7th. $410 for my 516 manufacturer date of 6/2011