Wilcox BOSS Xe

Check Out O P Tactical At The USASOC Sniper Competition This Week

O P Tactical is getting their display ready for the vendor tent at the USASOC Sniper Competition, this Thursday and Friday at Fort Bragg, NC.  Hope to see you there!


4 Responses to “Check Out O P Tactical At The USASOC Sniper Competition This Week”

  1. jkifer says:

    Sweet Jon, hope you meet good peeps and sell some shit

    • Jon, OPT says:

      The true credit for our presence at shows goes to my Inventory Manager, Chris, he is the brains and muscle behind all our displays and the man who stands at the booth all day.

      I competed in this comp back in 2005 and it was awesome then, I’m sure it has evolved into something even greater now. It’s good to see that even after a few years of it not happening the competition is still alive.

      Spartan Blades is a huge contributor and has a strong history with the SFSC (formerly SOTIC) Committee at the Miller Complex (Range 37), to include having served on it back when I attended the school years ago.

  2. Hem90 says:

    I’ve been helping work it (detail bitch, not cadre). I’m sure you’ll find some of the stages real interesting. Deception, gambles, and problem solving. The point spread between the teams will show it hasn’t been easy.

    • Jon, OPT says:

      Nice! I still have a word doc that outlined the events for when I competed. Some really good drills can be derived from it.