
Leupold Dominates USASOC Sniper Competition

BEAVERTON, Ore. — Leupold & Stevens, Inc., riflescopes have been trusted by the nation’s most elite military snipers for decades for one simple reason: they work. This performance edge was on display at the U.S. Army Special Operations Command International Sniper Competition.

This annual event is considered the premier test for the world’s snipers and their gear. This year’s winners, snipers from the 3rd Special Forces Group trusted their Leupold® Mark 6® 3-18x44mm riflescopes and DeltaPoint Pro™ red dot sights to bring home the title.

“Leupold’s legacy with elite sniper units is a point of pride for all of us here at Leupold,” said Bruce Pettet, president and chief executive officer. “Knowing that lives depend on our products working and surviving the battlefield drives us to constantly improve our products. This commitment to performance carries over to every product that leaves our Oregon factory.”

Twenty-five two-man sniper teams took part in this year’s International Sniper Competition, representing the best precision marksmen from around the world. The U.S. Army teams dominated, taking the top three spots in the five-day, 21-event competition.

For the snipers, it’s a chance to put their skills up against the best, and for Leupold it’s an opportunity to see their riflescopes, spotting scopes and laser rangefinders driven hard. For the more than 650 American employees of Leupold, it’s a testament to their dedication to quality, performance and ruggedness.

For more information on Leupold products, please visit us at


44 Responses to “Leupold Dominates USASOC Sniper Competition”

  1. Aaron says:

    I wonder how many guys were using Vortex if any…also, I’m pretty sure the Army issues the highest end Leupold Scopes with the M2010.

    • Russell says:

      Nah, we just have the MK 4 ER/T 6-20x with an H58 on those, they’re nice. But the MK 6 series is better.

    • Cool Arrow Kicker says:

      The Vortex Razor HD 1-6x24mm with MRAD reticle and specialized zero stop turrets is the the optic being used on assaulter’s carbines at a unit which will not be named. Just sayin’

      • Joe says:

        I find that extremely hard to believe. If it is the case why must the unit remain unnamed? Carbine optics aren’t a national security secret, nor should they be.

      • PNWTO says:

        A lot of folks bring their own shit to the big game. Just because a few use it doesn’t make it noteworthy.

        • Cool Arrow Kicker says:

          Joe and PNWTO, you don’t have to believe it, but it’s true. It’s not the individual end user personal kit either. There was a contract for it and it is in use. I’m sorry you’re not on the “in” but like it or not, that’s the truth.

          So, kick and scream, throw the BS flag but yes, a SMU awarded a contract that resulted in the procurement of the Razor for operational use, not RDT&E.

          Now, go back to being an Internet tough guy and have your mom bring you some Mac and cheese

          • Cool Arrow Kicker says:

            But I will say this… Said unit is obviously not affiliated with NSW because if it were you’d have heard about it by now and there’d be a movie in the works.

            Run along fan boys

            • Joe says:

              Literally nothing about what I said was “tough guy” you don’t know who I am anymore than I know who you are. The reason I said I don’t buy it is because having cleared large cavernous structures while serving (it’s still referred to as serving isn’t it?) I can’t see the upside to a heavy 1-6X scope. Or even a light 1-6X scope. To each thier own including SMU’s.
              I still don’t understand why you can’t/won’t actually address which unit uses the Razor. Non disclosure agreements aside, SOF/SMU/SOC/SPF/GROUP/TIER1/NINJA units aren’t going to be placed in a bad spot because enemies know what new optic sits atop their work rigs.

              • Cool Arrow Kicker says:

                Listen meat head, I know you’re pining for this information so you can update your cosplay/Airsoft outfit and be the coolest nerd on the street. However, it’s not my place to name the unit, and obviously due to a lack of a press release, it’s their desire also.

                So, pound sand, kick rocks, pop smoke, draw fire and GFYM

                • SecondGradeMath says:

                  His delivery might be a little abrasive, but my man his is spot on.

                  Why did Geissele make a custom Vortex 1-6 mount and get it USSOCOM approved if nobody needed it?

                  By order of the commander, all equipment under certain commands is classified, hence their procurement not being publicized.

                  • Rick says:

                    This is absolutely hilarious. As well as 100% inaccurate. Keep the speculation going guys.

                    Leupold is the optic of choice on the vast majority of our weapon systems.

                    • SecondGradeMath says:

                      Who is “our?”

                    • Cool Arrow Kicker says:

                      Yeah… pray tell
                      Who is the “our” in that sentence?

                      Go back to reading NSW books and jerking off to “Men of SEAL Team Calendars”

                • Joe says:

                  Rudeness is the weak man’s imitation of strength. Be careful which end of the arrow you kick, the pointy end won’t give your sour disposition any less pucker.

              • kemp says:

                he’s referring to delta, who have a long standing and publicly known love affair with low mag optics. he’s playing coy about the unit name because it makes him seem cool and in the know. lots of people who get excited about jsoc units tend towards this childish type of “i wont say but wink wink” bullshit.

  2. Will I Am says:

    So the first place team was running Mk6’s…..what were other teams running?

  3. Cool Arrow Kicker says:

    Interesting location to mount the laser range finder. I always mounted it on the forward right side.

    • SVGC says:

      Can’t see the display on the S model on the front right.

      • Cool Arrow Kicker says:

        That’s not an “S”, it’s a regular RAPTAR (look at the switch configuration).

        Regardless, I haven’t played with the Wilcox product (but we do have some in the shed), only the PSQ-23 which is way too big to mount like this.

        • SVGC says:

          Ah didn’t really look that closely. That’s where I prefer to mount it but it does make it tall and you’re right the storm definitely wouldn’t work on that setup.

  4. Joe says:

    Looks like LaRue Rifles in the picture, wonder what unit is using those, or if it’s just a stock photo.

    • PNWTO says:

      LaRue has had a presence in those circles for a while now.

      • SVGC says:

        There’s no requirement at the comp. to have to use issued rifles.

        • Yep says:

          The first LaRue’s that won were SOTIC commitie…. Had nothing to do with the rifles, but the fact that they were the first to run Horace reticles. Then KAC won with Horace once that cat was out the bag. I’m more curious if these are LaRue made barrels.

          • SecondGradeMath says:

            What is a Horace reticle?

            • Cool Arrow Kicker says:

              It’s the super secret DEVGRU version of the Horus. Seriously, my ten year old nephew told me he heard Joe talking about it online while they were playing first person shooter games.

              Joe’s a smart man, he knows that unless it can be verified on the interwebs, it isn’t true.

              Then again, Joe is still breastfeeding so….

              • Joe says:

                USMC RTT
                1/5 OEF Sangin Vet.
                Firearms Instructor
                College Degree in Desig
                Living 2,000 miles away from my Mom’s basement

                Better to remain silent and be looked at as a fool, than open your mouth and remove all doubt.

  5. Disco says:

    Errybody goes on and on about Schmidt and Bender, yet Leupold and Nightforce do the same stuff only easier and lessy pissy-like.

    Honorable mention goes to US Optics because if it’s within reason they can make whatever scope you want.

  6. Hem90 says:

    1.A lot of guys were using OBRs. Apparently LaRue used to give some nice discounts to those guys. Leupold still does.
    2. There was a mix of optics, but Leupold may have edged everyone out.
    3. That’s where most guys had their Raptars, and most of them had them.
    4. Everyone has different stuff, even among the group and CAG guys. A lot of them had surgeons, not 2010s, though.

    I’m not an operator or SFSC instructor, but I was there and just wanted to stop arguments early.

    • jack says:

      What do you mean by surgeons?

      • SSD says:


      • Cool Arrow Kicker says:

        You should direct any questions you may have to Joe & PNWTO as they know everything they’ve read on the interwebs lol

        • Joe says:

          Biff Spear Stomper throws insults and unverifiable claims around on the internet then mocks users of the internet for asking questions of his nuanced and ill worded comments.

          • Cool Arrow Kicker says:

            See Joe.

            Joe is having a midlife crisis

            Joe’s midlife crisis is directly correlated to his feelings of inadequacy spawned from his failure to achieve fraternity within elite organizations which he believes would bestow upon him a sense of awe when viewed by others.

            Joe scoures the Internet for information on the aforementioned organizations, expending not only time, but a significant monetary investment to procure the exact kit, configured the exact way, right down to the socks.

            To satiate his ego, Joe goes down to his mom’s basement, outfits himself in his kit, cranks up “Good Bye Horses”, stands in front of the mirror and says: “would you eff me? I’d eff me”. He then has a crying fit and tears up his “men of SEAL Team calendar”

            Don’t be like Joe.

          • SSD says:

            You two need the cut the beef. He’s right. A DoD organization has purchased the sight. If you want to know which one, join up.