
The Ghost Combative Application Trigger (CAT) Kit


The CAT trigger is a 4.5-pound “semi” drop-in trigger connector for the Glock family of pistols (42/43 excepted) that smooths the trigger action and reduces over-travel. Developed by Ghost Inc. at the insistence of retired law enforcement officer, author and trainer Dave Spaulding, the CAT is intended for the “combative application of the pistol” more commonly known as “self-defense.”

Spaulding, the founder and chief instructor for Handgun Combatives LLC, wanted a Glock trigger that would offer the combative shooter a trigger action that would actually enhance performance. “The more a shooter moves the index finger the more likely the rest of the fingers will want to move sympathetically, taking the muzzle off target resulting in a missed shot. The CAT helps reduce the distance the trigger finger moves to fire the pistol which improves shooting ability.” Don’t let the “semi-drop “ label concern you, Spaulding stated. “The reason we call it “semi-drop in” is because we had one Glock 36 in which the trigger bar did not drop. Three strokes of a file across the end of trigger control tab fixed the problem. The connector is drop in in 99-plus percent of the guns we tried it in.”

The kit comes with a 4.5-pound connector with a fixed trigger control tab to reduce over travel, a reduced power safety plunger spring (to smooth the rearward movement of the trigger bar), a six-pound trigger spring and a six-pound striker spring. This combination results in an over all trigger weight of 5.5 to 5.75 pounds that is smooth, easy to manage and will “keep up” with the trigger finger during rapid fire.

It is recommended a Glock Armorer install the trigger kit, however, directions for self-installation can be found on the Ghost web site at The trigger kit is available exclusively from Handgun Combatives LLC and can be ordered from their web site. All Ghost Inc. components are made in the U.S.A.

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9 Responses to “The Ghost Combative Application Trigger (CAT) Kit”

  1. Gerard says:

    For literally decades, instructors have recommended not modifying any trigger because a) if you have reliable ignition why mess with it and b) the risk of legal liability after a defensive shooting when it can be demonstrated in court that you ‘lightened’ the trigger on your defensive pistol. I’m not convinced modifications like this are a good idea.

    • Rick says:

      This has been proven to be ridiculous several times. Complete “gun store legal advice” that falls right in line that the belief that people explode into a shower of sparks with 45 ACP passes within feet of them…

      • Stuey says:

        Yes for decades “instructors” have been spewing that baseless garbage. There hasn’t been one successful case of an individual being convicted/held liable due to firearm modifications such as this in either criminal or civil court. It exist soley as internet folklore.

        • Bill says:

          Concur about the basic point, though a lot of guns have been ruined by amateur gunsmiths and “drop-in” parts. I don’t pretend to know more than the engineers who designed a gun, so I’m hesitant to mess with it unless there is an obvious benefit and no risk to reliability.

  2. Stan says:

    All 3 Glocks I had Ghost triggers in suffered from light prime hits when using S&B and Winchester USA brand 9mm. One or two cartridges pre magazine could be counted on not to fire. While a very smooth and light trigger is nice, it didn’t out weigh reliablility so I took them out.

  3. DB says:

    I don’t expect you to believe me unconditionally, because there are trolls under every bridge on the interwebs. But I loved Ghost connectors on my Glocks. Bought a new pistol as a Christmas present to myself, first in a while. Bought a Ghost to put on it, and the trigger wouldn’t reset. Sent it back for another–same problem. Check out the reviews online–Ghost quality control has become an issue. And I’m sad to say it, because I WAS a believer in their products.

  4. A customer forwarded this link me.
    Thank you for your business, sorry for the problem and the inconvenience.

    At Ghost we take all of our customer feedback seriously and we want to thank you for taking the time to express your opinions/concerns.
    I know it can be very frustrating for you as it is for us. We manufacture our products to the highest standard of performance and customer satisfaction. We do not want our parts or service to disappoint our customers on the contrary we strive to make the best parts possible and provide stellar customer service. We do this because we love what we do and because customers like you pay our salaries and keep us in business.

    I have learned over the years that without the pistol and the part in front of me I cannot accurately trouble shoot the issue. Instead of giving you my best guess based on my experience. We do what is best for you our customer we replace the part(s) in question.

    This is why everything we manufacture comes with an unconditional lifetime warranty so we will replace your part(s) for Life for no charge.

    We would welcome the opportunity to address your issues or concerns and get them sorted and fixed for free. you may contact me at:
    Thank you for your time.

    • DB says:

      Appreciate you reaching out, and kudos on your good grace, but the ship has sailed. Any manufacturer gets a free pass on a single defective product, and I realize you’re making large numbers of tight tolerance parts–but two in a row is a huge red flag. And I know how to install a connector. Sorry, but it’s my life and I won’t risk it that way. Check out your Amazon reviews. Aside from the usual clowns, there is a disturbingly high percentage of similar problems.

  5. Chris K. says:

    I have trusted Ghost Connectors for years, only issue I ever had was for the G42/43 connector when it was released, and it just needed to be bent slightly to match factory angle. Fixed it in a couple minutes. But it’s true, drop in parts aren’t always drop in, some guns don’t like them. So bottom line – test fire and do functions checks to be certain. It’s a simple upgrade that can equal major improvement in performance. Not a magic ticket, but definitely worthwhile.