SureFire XC3

SilencerCo – Conquest Kit 2.0

Conquest Kit

Last year, SilencerCo released the Conquest Kit, a package featuring every suppressor and accessory they made, up to that point. With the new additions to their product line over the past year, they’ve seen fit to create a Conquest Kit 2.0. The new Conquest Kit includes ever suppressor and accessory SilencerCo makes to date, and is also the very first opportunity to pre-order the Maxim 9 integrally-suppressed pistol.

Plus, if you’re willing and/or able to drop the cash necessary to purchase the Conquest Kit 2.0, SilencerCo will pay your tax stamps and transfer fees.

Check out the following link for further details, and the full list of items included in the Conquest Kit 2.0:


5 Responses to “SilencerCo – Conquest Kit 2.0”

  1. Don't get mad at me says:

    $4,800 in just NFA tax alone….wow.

    But cool.

  2. Justin says:

    Unfortunately with the back log in NFA…you won’t get this before Conquest 3.0 comes out.