SIG SAUER - Never Settle

TNVC Issues Press Release On Availabilty Of Ops-Core BASE Jump Helmets

TNVC shared this important Press Release regarding an announcement by Ops-Core to their dealers regarding the cessation of production of the BASE Jump Helmet. We have spoken with representatives at Ops-Core for additional details and they have told us they will issue a statement regarding the future of the BASE Jump Helmet during next week’s SOFIC.

TNVC has just been informed from Ops-Core, a division of Gentex, has ceased production of the popular FAST Base Jump Polymer Bump Helmet. This came as quite a shock to us as the move was extremely sudden. No more FAST Base Jump Helmets will be produced. What’s more, Ops-Core will not be fulfilling any backorders. TNVC has learned that Ops-Core is currently designing a replacement helmet, tentatively called the FAST Bump Helmet 2.0. They did not confirm any details on new features or upgrades; only stating that it is slated to begin production in August 2016 (which means a fourth quarter delivery at the earliest). We can certainly speculate about the new helmet, but there is no confirmation on new features at this time.

While the news of a new Ops-Core helmet is exciting, the move of immediately discontinuing production of the current model leaves currently back-ordered customers in a bind. In the interim, Ops-Core has offered the following options:

1. A one for one substitution of all currently TNVC backordered FAST Base Jump Helmets with a FAST Carbon Helmet. This is a phenomenal deal seeing as the FAST Carbon helmet is more than twice as expensive as the polymer version. These substitutions are expected to take 60-90 additional days.
2. A one for one substitution of all currently backordered FAST Base Jump Helmets with the new FAST Bump Helmet 2.0 when it is available.

Yes, this means longer lead times for current backorders. But, when all is said and done, customers will have a better helmet at the same price they paid for a FAST Base Jump Helmet. It’s hard to argue with that math. Please note: Ops-Core is only offering this substitution deal to currently backordered customers. TNVC has already removed the FAST Base Jump Helmet from our website because we are sold out.

Victor Di Cosola
President – CEO

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10 Responses to “TNVC Issues Press Release On Availabilty Of Ops-Core BASE Jump Helmets”

  1. OzG says:

    Why not just buy a Team Wendy Bump Helmet and – gee, I don’t know – NOT wait an additional 3 months!!!

  2. Phil says:

    Not a problem, the Team Wendy offering is better anyway.

  3. jbgleason says:

    Someday I want to be the manufacturer of a product that is so coveted it is back ordered and I decide to quit making it anyway. They must be taking business classes from H&K.

  4. Erik says:

    Well, I guess I know why our supply department stopped receiving the ops-core helmets and only has team Wendy helmets now.

  5. Blake Slamson says:

    The Team Wendy is great. Too bad their rails give a much, much thicker profile than the Ops-Core and that many of them need tools to swap them….
    But TW has a more extensive set of standards.

    I’ll very gladly go back to OpsCore if they can certify the new Bump helmet to mountaineering, jump, ATV and other standards over only the military ones, which aren’t always appropriate for civilian agencies like us.

    • Sam says:

      Blake, I just happened to notice the large banner image on SSD right now posted by Sig. The helmet being worn is a Team Wendy lid. Not sure what you are talking about when you say “much, much thicker” profile. Looks pretty clean and low profile to me.

    • SG says:

      I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve never removed or re-positioned an accessory on an ARC rail without tools.
      And swearing.
      And a red face.
      And a jacked up finger or two.

      I’ll take a slightly fatter rail if that’s the trade off.

  6. Matthew Kime says:

    We still have accurate and available inventory of the M/L in Black if anyone is in a bind.

  7. Steve says:

    The carbon helmet, having a metal mounting plate, is NOT just a significant upgrade in terms of the build materials but the overall longevity of the helmet. While at SHOT 2016, I was told by three different helmet companies to NOT use NVG w/intergral polymer moulded GoPro mount helmets…

    Now I just wish I would have ignored them and ordered a Base Jump…

    Yes, this is speculation, but I bet the Base Jump 2.0 will have a metal mount at a cost only marginally above the Base Jump. This is my hope, at least.