RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Default Judgment Order Grants Over $6 Million To Philippi Property Group, Erik Lawrence

A Barbour County Circuit Court Judgment Order has found Blackheart International, LLC, General Stability, Inc., and Steaphan Weir liable to pay Philippi Property Group and Erik Lawrence a total of over $6 million for damages caused by the “intentional acts, breaches, misconduct, and fraud” conducted by BHI, GSI, and Weir.

In April of 2013, Erik Lawrence sold Blackheart International to Global Stability, Inc. Later in 2013, GSI failed to fulfill the payment agreement for the purchase of the sale, and Blackheart International failed to pay rent the lease of property from Philippi Property Group as stated in the property and warehouse lease agreements. At that time, Erik Lawrence and Philippi Property Group filed a suit for breach of contract and payment failure; a countersuit soon followed, which has been dismissed.

After over two years of hearings and proceedings, the Circuit Courts have arrived at a final judgment which finds Blackheart International, Global Stability, and Steaphan Weir liable to pay Erik Lawrence and Philippi Property Group the amount for the purchase of the company and rent of property plus interest as well as damages.

A $536,436.11 judgment against Blackheart International, LLC, in favor of Philippi Property Group was ordered this spring by Circuit Court Judge Alan D. Moats.

The court also found Erik Lawrence entitled to recover damages for breach of contract and specific performance, and fraud, from both General Stability, Inc. and Steaphan Weir, jointly and severally, which obligations were personally guaranteed by Brace Barber, in the amount of $3,885,339.24. Furthermore, the court also found Lawrence entitled to recover damages for claims breach of contract, specific performance, fraud, conversion, and credit defamation from General Stability, Inc., Blackheart International, LLC, and Steaphan Weir, jointly and severally, in the entire amount of $816,809.32, in addition to credit reputation, business reputation, and annoyance and inconvenience damages of $750,000 as well as $250,000 in punitive damages.

Erik Lawrence currently serves asmprinciple of Vigilant Security Services, LLC, a firm that provides a variety of security services internationally as well as specialized weapons, tactics and surveillance training to a variety of qualified government clients.

6 Responses to “Default Judgment Order Grants Over $6 Million To Philippi Property Group, Erik Lawrence”

  1. shoperator says:

    Congrats Pudding!

  2. Jon, OPT says:

    So, Erik’s running the party Suite at SHOT 2017?

    Seriously, congrats EL, sorry you had to go through that BS.

  3. Wv Cycling says:

    Live about 15mi from Philippi. Since 2011 or so, something has felt /off/ Bout Blackheart in general… as if they were hurting for money and only making decisionss that would shoot hemselves in the foot.

    I.e. they used to sell to civilians, but stopped offering ARs / Lower receivers in ?2012? That was peak AR season, no?

  4. Gerald Holt says:

    Congrats to Erik, he’s one of the good ones.