RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

LBT – Latest Go Packs Released

LBT Inc adds two more Go Packs to the lineup with Kryptek variants Highlander and Nomad.

Available now during their Independence Day Sale.

Introductory price of $59 valid until Tuesday while supplies last.



8 Responses to “LBT – Latest Go Packs Released”

  1. Gerard says:

    59.!!! Is that a misprint? Price is insanely good

  2. Todd says:

    FYI, this promotion is ONLY for the NEW Kryptek bags shown.

    • kaoskydex says:

      The Woodland and DCU ones are also on sale as a package deal, making the packs even cheaper individually.

  3. Dev says:

    LBT is killing it and bleeding my wallet. First the PALS-less 1476A now these.

    • Dev says:

      Also not sure if the sale extends to those in NA but where I am the website shows 3 day discount for them so get to it while it’s hot.

  4. Major_Northeast_City says:

    I don’t see that pack anywhere on the site.
    But I did get an insanely well made pair of Multicam pants from them last cyber Mon. for 47.00 !!

    • Robert says:

      Click on the Independence Day image at the top, which will take you to the sales including the double go pack deal.