
Eagle Scouts Truly Soar

Did you know that two-thirds of American Astronauts since 1959 were Scouts?

According the BSA’s “Ask Bryan“, it’s not just Eagle Scouts. Of the 312 pilots and scientists selected as astronauts since 1959, at least 207 have been identified as having been Scouts or active in Scouting. That list includes 39 Eagle Scouts, 25 Life Scouts, 14 Star Scouts, 26 First Class Scouts, 17 Second Class Scouts, 13 Tenderfoot Scouts, three Explorers, 25 Cub Scouts, 10 Webelos Scouts, one King’s Scout, two Wolf Scouts and 32 with unknown ranks, including 27 who were Girl Scouts.

It’s very encouraging to see that level of participation in Scouting.  While I had heard over the years of the number of Astronauts who were Eagle Scouts, I had no visibility of the number of Girl Scouts who had also taken to the skies.  

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3 Responses to “Eagle Scouts Truly Soar”

  1. james says:

    Troop 32 Watch NJ… Made Eagle but by the grace of my Mother…

    No astronaut but I like Tang!

  2. james says:

    Watching, NJ sorry

  3. orly? says:

    This would be great hanging inside every school cafeteria/gym.