
Posts Tagged ‘GSA’

U.S. Tactical Supply Adds Lancer Magazines To Their Main Product Line & GSA Schedule

Monday, October 16th, 2017

U.S. Tactical Supply is Proud to announce the addition of Lancer Systems Magazines and Weapon Components to our Main Product line & GSA Schedule GS-07F-0259N.

Lancer Advanced Warfighter Magazines are availible for immediate purchase on GSA Advanatge & Your Agency / Unit / Team can also request a GSA Quote @ E-mail @ or conatct us the Old Fashioned way 541-928-8645.

View Lancer Magazines @

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Lancer Systems is an Advanced Weapons & Components manufacturer that provides definitive solutions to war fighters, law enforcent officers and other serious practitioners of the art.

Lancer engineers and manufactures lightweight weapons and components, including rifles, hybrid magazines, carbon-fiber handguards, and accessories that meet the needs of today’s most discerning users.

Applying their expertise in advanced polymers and lightweight component design, Lancer has created the L5 and L7 Advanced Warfighter Magazines (AWM).

They’ve combined hardened steel feed lips with a high strength polymer body to yield a hybrid design that maximizes strength, reliability and minimizes weight.  This hybrid design is strong enough to allow the use of unfilled polymers, enabling Lancer to produce a robust, reliable and effective translucent magazine unlike any on the market.

Eagle Scouts Truly Soar

Thursday, July 21st, 2016

Did you know that two-thirds of American Astronauts since 1959 were Scouts?

According the BSA’s “Ask Bryan“, it’s not just Eagle Scouts. Of the 312 pilots and scientists selected as astronauts since 1959, at least 207 have been identified as having been Scouts or active in Scouting. That list includes 39 Eagle Scouts, 25 Life Scouts, 14 Star Scouts, 26 First Class Scouts, 17 Second Class Scouts, 13 Tenderfoot Scouts, three Explorers, 25 Cub Scouts, 10 Webelos Scouts, one King’s Scout, two Wolf Scouts and 32 with unknown ranks, including 27 who were Girl Scouts.

It’s very encouraging to see that level of participation in Scouting.  While I had heard over the years of the number of Astronauts who were Eagle Scouts, I had no visibility of the number of Girl Scouts who had also taken to the skies.  

MATBOCK Products Now Available Via GSS Gear’s GSA Schedule

Monday, September 16th, 2013

MATBOCK has informed us that GSS Gear is offering their products on their GSA Schedule.



Thursday, March 7th, 2013

I grew up with Scouting and obviously I had great parents since they gave me the opportunity to join Scouts, first as a Cub and later as a Boy Scout and Explorer. The experience left a lifelong impression on me. “Be Prepared” is more than just Scouting’s motto.

Today, it seems to be a lost art. As an adult I apply the skills I learned in Scouting everyday. Once, when I was home on leave from the service I was able to visit my old Scout Troop and tell them that I had a job where I applied the field living and survival skills I learned as a kid in my job. I didn’t watch someone else do those things on The Discovery Channel, or watch a Youtube video of some guy starting a fire. Rather, I learned how to live in the wild with my own two hands. That’s something that’s missing from most children’s lives; hands on, outdoor living. So this is a plug for Scouting. If you have kids yourself, or young relatives, or even a friend’s children, get them involved in Scouting. Boys and Girls both. They are great programs that get them outside and learning how to do things; to live and love the outdoors. In addition to Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts has Explorer and Venture programs for teenage girls. I mean, hey, they are over 100 years old, they must be doing something right.

S&S Precision Now Available on GSA

Thursday, August 23rd, 2012

American Safety Equipment Co out of Virginia Beach has added S&S Precision to their GSA schedule which can make procuring their wares a much simpler process.

The following items are already listed on the schedule with additional items added regularly –

Manta Strobe
M-ax Mount
M320 Holster
Kangaroo Insert