FirstSpear TV

Thinks That Make You Go ‘Hmmm’

Thanks RB!


25 Responses to “Thinks That Make You Go ‘Hmmm’”

  1. Chuck says:

    Which engineer decided those sights were going to be remotely functional?

  2. mandingo says:

    Great. Cue the phone calls from cheap as hell yet “high speed” security guards.

  3. Mr.E.G. says:

    Moron here. Can someone explain what is so wrong about this? I’ve never shot a pistol with anything other than iron sights, but isn’t this kind of common?

    • ET says:

      The front and rear sights aren’t tall enough, making co-witness with the mini red dot sight impossible.

      • DAN III says:


        Those standard sights are not an accident. It’s the bean counter’s way of saving a buck. It is no different than buying an ARmalite in a price range reaching the stratosphere and they have the shitty GI grips. Excuse the AR people, along with Glock and now Springfield uses is “Hey, we know the buyer is going to change them out anyway”.

        • phil says:

          kinda thought that as well, but isn’t that front sight fiber? looks like they put the optic on the XDM competition model. i think this could be a case of bad art direction, with an engineer type slapping his forehead somewhere…

        • ET says:

          I sort of agree with the bean counter statement, but they went ahead and included a fiber optic front sight with it instead of the white dot front that comes with other XD and XDM models (excluding competition model). They also include suppressor height sights with the XDM threaded barrel model so I’m not sure if it’s an oversight/accident or a bean counter move.

          • majrod says:

            The fiber optic makes business sense from selling an enhanced optic pistol. Granted showing it with an optic and the fiber optic is dumb (especially if the fiber optic is the same color as the dot) though it’s not sold with the red dot.

            But until the customer decides on, buys/mounts a red dot the fiber optic can be seen as an upgrade.

  4. Dellis says:

    I have several red dot handguns and co-witness sights are a must, in fact I just bought a Glock 19 MOS and ordered proper sights for it at same time. I already have a Trijicon waiting for it.

    CZ makes a cut top slide for the P-07 and P-09 but as much as I love my CZ’s they did it wrong.

    The M&P’s are nice but just a innacurate gun

    Here is a legal thought though some of you who decide to carry a red dot as your concealed piece, and that is if you need to use it in a self defense situation be prepared to:

    1) Lose the gun for a good long while
    2) Be prepared to defend yourself against an hot shot lawyer who will paint you as a person carrying a tricked out killing machine. ”

    You have a red dot sight, high capacity magazine, cop killer bullets and a worked trigger….you sir are a killer just waiting to use that weapon of mass destruction!”

    • Tcba_joe says:

      Stop reading Massad Ayoob

    • Brent says:

      Has that ever actually happened or is it another piece of gun lore fiction?

      • Dellis says:

        Actually not from Massad but from a lawyer/client of mine. He saw my Glock and liked it and then asked if it was my daily carry. Said ya it was. He then gave me caution in several areas. How the gun is outfitted, asked if I ever say things on forums that can be deemed as racist or hateful, twitter, facebook and if I ever post up youtube videos dealing with “how to” with guns. Again I said no. Just stuff to be careful of, like wearing a “Kill them all, let God sort them out” type shirts while having to defend yourself with your firearm.

        • Bill says:

          While I agree with the bulk of your client’s examples, modifying a weapon can also be presented as an effort to make it more “safe.” There is only a smattering of anecdotal evidence that mods have ever been raised as an issue in legal proceedings and most if not all could be argued to be irrelevant.

          • Dellis says:

            Oh I still carry my worked over Glock…now a Glock 19 MOS with Trijicon, KKM barrel and other items.

            It performs flawlessly and carries well and I train with it so I’m not going to then leave it in my safe or drawer. I listened to the advice, never said I follow it, lol

        • majrod says:

          FWIW, I’ve had two former Marines (0311’s), turned attorneys, former prosecutors and now criminal defense lawyers make some similar points about what ammo one uses for self defense.

          The best defense is carry what the police carry. It’s hard to be characterized as carrying “cop killer” ammo when you are using what law enforcement is using.

          Opposing attorneys will do almost anything to get a favorable verdict. Best to not make it easy on them.

  5. Kellog says:


  6. fritz bousigschouer says:

    ameriglo to the rescue.

  7. Seamus says:

    I did’t know that they still make XDs?