SIG SAUER - Never Settle

G-Code Scorpion Softshell

Today, G-Code announced the release of its brand new Scorpion Softshells, cable retention tool pouches built for rifle and pistol magazines, although they also accommodate other items such as lights and multi-tools. The full release can be read below:


Rifle. Pistol. Multi-tool. Flashlight. It all fits.

Versatile, capable and light-weight, the G-Code Scorpion Softshell is a tool pouch built specifically for rifle and pistol magazine retention and manipulation. A design that makes the task of reloads under stress or in a lull as instinctive as the gesture of pointing.


Cable Management. Magazine Retention.

A molded exoskeleton manages and protects the binding cord, minimizing wear and mitigating the potential for snags in turbulent environments.

The front “torsion plate” directs pressure from the binding cord down, forcing positive contact of the inner friction surface to the length of the magazine, with room to regulate the tension up or down.

Finally, the cross bars of the plate allow for Scorpion Softshell pistol pouches to be stacked on a rifle pouch, giving the end user total control of their fighting configuration.


Built for Speed

Weighing in at just 3.3 ounces*, the Scorpion Soft Shell is among the lightest available today. The super-tough Nylon frame components and the Santoprene molded Soft-Shell are rugged, durable and are moisture proof.

A flared opening guides a consistent, clean draw from and insertion to the pouch, while the inner surface retains the magazine firmly whether the end user is in motion or at rest.

* plus platform specific mounting hardware


One Size Fits All

The G-Code Scorpion Softshell rifle pouches accept all AR type magazines, .308 variants as well as those built for Kalashnikov type rifles. Pistol pouches will, likewise, retain both double stack and single stack magazines.

Available as either a standard or speed cut, the G-Code Scorpion Soft-Shell pistol mag carriers provides the end user every option to best interface with the rest of their equipment.


In the Family

Launching with the Scorpion Soft-Shell series are G-Code’s new, patent pending, “R-series” and “P-series” interfaces. The R-2 and P-2 clips deliver a phenomenally stable and dependable mounting system that is designed specifically to interface with G-Code’s “Operator belt”. Likewise, R-1 and P-1 clips with PALS platforms (body armor, belt) and R-3 and P-3 clips with most other belt systems.


The modular back panel, integral to every G-Code pouch, also allows the Scorpion Softshell line to dock with the entire family of G-Code accessories.

Made in the USA

Available in black, coyote tan, green and gray as well as a series of custom color pairing designed to match camouflage offerings in use by the US Military, Law Enforcement and our allies.

Each G-Code Scorpion Soft-Shell pouch is backed not only by G-Code’s Life-Time Warranty, but the Company’s reputation for quality.


46 Responses to “G-Code Scorpion Softshell”

  1. jbgleason says:

    Oh boy. Didn’t we just discuss knock offs?

    • Lasse says:

      “But these guys are great dudes and they support the GOP and 2A. They are also friends with tier 1 bros so in my book they are gtg!!!”

    • Jeremy says:

      Eh, I dunno. If you’re talking about those PDW grips, you could put them side by side and get them confused. I don’t see anyone mistaking these for HSGI Tacos.

      • Lasse says:

        In this case, I’d argue that this product utilizes the same technology as HSGI Tacos to achieve the desired function (multi cal). Is the idea free to use? I’d consider it dishonest not to give HSGI credit for it and although I haven’t seen HSGIs patent application, so I don’t know how much it covers, it would be possible for this to infringe on their (assumed upcoming) patent.

        I don’t consider it a copy as in “an imitation, reproduction, or transcript of an original” which is what a lot of these Asian based airsoft companies do.

        • SSD says:

          HSGI holds no patent. Consequently, it has become the most widely mimicked pouch worldwide.

        • Jeremy says:

          I see some fundamental differences in the design though. Tacos are a single piece of plastic for the side walls, with a stitched nylon segment for the front and back, with nylon loops for the jump cord that is weaved, holding the entire thing together.

          This appears to have an injection molded back compression panel and a soft front retaining panel (nylon? hypalon?). There is already more going on than in HSGI’s design. Instead of being weaved across the face to provide compression, the cord is only run to the edge, and uses these panels to pull everything together.

          Sure, one could argue they “do the same thing”, but they go about it in different ways.

          • Sean says:

            That was my thought when I saw it. They basically found a new way to skin the Taco cat.

  2. Gerard says:

    Very impressive gear

  3. JS says:

    looks nice…

  4. mark says:

    I’m always impressed with G-Code’s product photography.

    • Guy says:

      That Shemagh picture looks like every mall ninja’s wet dream though.

      • babola says:

        Most if the mall ninjas I know look like that guy on the main photo, I doubt any sort of shemagh would help there.

  5. VictorVector says:

    Who’s hungry for tacos?

  6. lysander6 says:

    if this is anything like the rest of G-Code’s product line, I am in. I completely converted my pistol/magazine [& rifle mag] carriage system to G-Code RTI years ago.

    Be advised that warranty service is only offered on the kit you bought from G-Code Actual.

    • Matthew Kime says:

      The very few issues I can think of our customers having, were handled quickly with the products purchased through us, an Authorized Dealer.

  7. James says:

    Yeah, very taco like, but looks to offer some attachment versatility that tacos don’t.

  8. Nate says:

    None of their fancy photography displays whether or not a pistol pouch can be mounted to the face of a rifle. One would think considering the competition this would be something they’d want to show off as a feature…?

  9. Luke says:

    While undeniably taco-inspired, I would say there is plenty of variation (even more with the hard version) so I won’t rag ’em.

    what I want to know is how they got the price lower then Tacos, I would have guessed they’d be as much or more.

    At that price I’ll probably have to try one, but I imagine I’ll stay on Team Taco.

    • John says:

      They’re only noticeably cheaper without the attachment method, apparently. If you don’t already have a mounting platform, that $25 pricetag they advertise isn’t what you’ll be paying, since their cheapest mount is $5. That puts it within a couple bucks of a TACO. And that’s only if you choose the cheapest. Or if you do pistol, it’s $22.50 + $5, which actually makes it higher than the $27 Pistol TACO.

  10. tangloppen says:

    You can almost hear the advertising dicks think “if we just make a cool picture, all the mallninjas will be screaming – TAKE my MONEH”.

    • straps says:

      Yeah only dumb people respond to marketing.

      Which is why the Sunday morning news shows aren’t cluttered with advertising for luxury cars, financial services, travel, pharma–or defense contractors…

  11. tangloppen says:

    Atleast the top picture is advertised correct – lardass mallninjas

    • straps says:

      Go ahead and sell all that potential energy short.

      I had the advantage of being rail thin but I had a scroll & tab PSG named SFC Lara who looked like a used up caballero, but would do stuff like run 2 half-marathons the weekend after a month-long FTX. Was also one of the squarest-awayest mofos I ever worked for.

      It was by way of SFC Lara that I learned that the Mess Dress uniform was probably designed by someone who didn’t look so good in his A’s but still wanted to chase some tail…

  12. Marcus says:

    Good grief. Who is modeling that? Is that Al Borland from Home Improvement?

    I mean- think how that would look on a chick in a bikini 🙂

    All kidding aside, they make a great product and it’s also 100% Made in the USA.

  13. Bill says:

    “The front “torsion plate” directs pressure from the binding cord down, forcing positive contact of the inner friction surface to the length of the magazine, with room to regulate the tension up or down.”

    Couldn’t just say “tighten the laces, like on a shoe, as snug as you want.”

    • Scott Evans says:

      No… because we do it with science … 🙂 and there really is a ton of engineering in this to insure the best grip possible on the mag.

  14. Dellis says:

    I like the G-Code items, great products and the RTI set up is just a no-brainer!

    My issue is the “man-bun” in the ad pic….why?

    • SSD says:


      • jbgleason says:

        Come on. You haven’t heard ManBun before?

        • SSD says:

          I guess I live a sheltered life.

          • Dellis says:

            In downtown San Antonio, around the Pearl Brewery area, it’s all been made over and it’s a high end shopping area so my wife and I went there for a walk. It’s hipster central, sweaters with skinny jeans holding onto frappe lata’s sporting manbuns.

            So seeing a geared up guy with a manbun is well, outta place kinda from the norm. These guys would be no where near a gun as each store I went into had the infamous “30.06” sign posted, as well as “30.07”

            Years ago I had a jujitsu dojo I was trying to get going. I also had hair down to my ass and while in the dojo I had it always back in a ponytail, almost “top knot” like to keep out of the way, a guest instructor one weekend dragged my ass all over the friggin mat with it. I was pissed off but I understood why he did it. It could be used against me cause where ever the head goes the body follows. Next day I cut it all off, over 15 inches of hair donated to Locks Of Love. Now…I can’t get it to grow!!

      • straps says:

        Manbun is a Thing.

    • BM says:

      Who cares? It’s dude hair. Are you going to get pissy about his shoes too?
      Even though this is an advertisement, you realize sometimes in reality, that not everyone is running a high and tight yeah?

      • Dellis says:

        Nothing wrong with the guy in the pic, in fact that’s the average joe at the range. My comment was in jest on the manbun, if I could grow my hair longer I sure would, now it only grows in odd places, like my nose and ears, WTF??

      • JP says:

        Girl hair on any male is still girl hair. This is barely one step away from capri pants. After that, full-blown gay. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, BM. It’s your bun – wear it with pride!

    • BM says:

      Who cares? It’s dude hair. Are you going to get hissy about his shoes too?
      Even though this is an advertisement, you realize sometimes in reality, that not everyone is running a high and tight yeah?

      • Bill says:

        I got The Glare from the Sheriff today, so I’ll be off for a shearing. Really short hair was something I could never get used to.

        We don’t know what kind of shoes he’s wearing, could be Birkenstocks or Crocs.

  15. JB says:

    Worst. Model. Ever.

    “Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels” – Kate Moss

  16. Lone Element says:

    G-code builds some great kit I am a huge fan of their holsters, however in this case It looks like a lot of design time and engineering to reproduce all the same problems the taco has. Plastic parts that break, exposed areas were dust and debris gets inside your pouch and also in your mag and exposed cordage the gets snagged and breaks rendering the pouch ineffective on the retention of the magazine or tool its carrying.