SIG SAUER - Never Settle

The Birth Of The BE Meyers MAWL

This is how the MAWL started, two years ago today.

It started with B.E. Meyers & Company, Inc. having their engineering team clear rooms at an abandoned school complex, day and night. They cleared 500 rooms the first day, and 400 the second day. It wasn’t pretty but it worked.

By learning the limitations and constraints of existing laser systems available, they understood exactly what capability gaps needed to be filled. By ensuring the engineering team was part of the discussion from the initial concept, they knew what the commonly was asking them to design and why, and thus MAWL was born.


15 Responses to “The Birth Of The BE Meyers MAWL”

  1. john smith says:

    Get your gun up coming through the door….Engineer…

    • john smith says:

      But seriously- great idea.

    • Ed says:

      Beat me to it! Should already be aiming in the crack pie-ing that edge, that’s day one stuff!

      • AttackBlue1 says:

        This was literally day 1. They got there on day 2 though!

        • john smith says:

          UTM or FX fixes that quickly.

          I really do love this idea. I’ll bet it was a blast teaching them. Here is an interesting question- Did you learn anything noteworthy from them? i.e. thought provoking questions etc?

  2. Mike says:

    “I don’t feel tardy…”

  3. StormFuror says:

    Anyone know if they are gonna release a version with class 1 IR? Some of us retired folks still like to play with our guns at night 😉

  4. Hubb says:

    Geek Squad!

  5. Great story, great company with products that stand up wholeheartedly in the field.

  6. CWG says:

    My god man, just take my damn money

  7. Jon, OPT says:

    The tech side of its industry needs FAR more of this, bravo!

    • Riceball says:

      Not just the tech side or this particular industry, more industries could benefit from these sorts of exercises. I’ve always maintained that engineers/designers should be required to use and maintain the things they create, I’d think that we’d come out with much better designs all around. Instead of getting, say, a vehicle with part that requires frequent checks and/or replacement shoe horned in to some hard to get cornet of the vehicle because it fits there, we’d get it in an easily accessible location because the guy who designed actually worked on his design enough to realize that having it easy to get at is a good thing by having to work on it himself.

      A good example of “brilliant ideas” from people who don’t have to work on or use their designs if the Panther tank from WW II. Some genius thought that it would be a great idea to make the commander’s hatch work via a crank instead of a free moving hinge. This meant that if the commander wanted to open or close the hatch he had to work a crank to do so, no problem on parade or in garrison but a bad thing if you’re tank is on fire and you need to get out quick before it blows or the fire gets larger and reaches where you’re sitting.

  8. Vince says:

    Tape rooms…

  9. Aaskov says:

    Awesome to see this! Reminds me of my time spent at Ops-Core… We would regularly wear a ballistic FAST helmet with PVS-14s while doing our work. Made you quickly appreciate the areas that could be improved upon…