
The First Eagle Scout

104 years ago today, Arthur Rose Eldred became the first Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts of America.  

In the century that followed, over two million young men have earned the award.


10 Responses to “The First Eagle Scout”

  1. Dellis says:

    This is amazing! Never going to the scouts was a regret I now have, what I saw as uncool back then was just huge ignorance on my part.

    On a side note, I wonder what the value of that medal is today as a collectors piece?

  2. Wynn says:

    Eagle Scout, 1966. Very disappointed in what the organization has turned into.

    • George Dixon says:

      Eagle Scout, 1970

      The “How Book”, replacing the Boy Scout manual and field book, was the miner’s canary of liberal intent.

  3. john smith says:

    I seldom put on my dress uniform without being forced to do so by some ball room dancing garbage that some service academy product dreams up….

    Eagle scout ceremonies are an exception. We need more of them in our current culture.

    • james says:

      Yes…Yes we do. Troop 32, Watchung, NJ 1984… Thank you Mom… your gentle sometimes not so gentle encouragement put me in that select group of 2 Million!

      • Justin says:

        ^This. Without my mom’s not so gentle encouragement, I would be sitting here lamenting why I didn’t finish and earn my Eagle. I’m thankful she did.

  4. JP says:

    104 years of young men waiting until two weeks before their 18th birthday to get a group together to help them with their Eagle project. Or was that just my troop?

  5. Another Ed says:

    The Eagle Scout Service Project as a requirement for the Eagle Award was introduced in 1965.

    Since 2009, the average age of the Eagle Award Scout has been 17 years 3 months to 17 years 4 months.

    I have two sons who are Eagle Scouts. Both declined the awards ceremony. Their choice. They earned it.