RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Tattoo Fail

Unfortunately, this is real.

52 Responses to “Tattoo Fail”

  1. Creed says:

    Seems legit….

  2. Justin says:

    Basic Training is going to be…..interesting.

  3. Miclo18d says:

    …cause nuthin says delta like a skull with a beret and a standard M-4 with an ACOG, a broomstick, and regular hand guards…. Oh yeah and a GIANT tattoo of said things on your back.

    Kind of like “no regarts”

  4. Happy says:

    Know how I know he’s gay?

  5. Michael S. says:

    He’s gonna get loved, tenderly.

  6. BillGates says:

    Look at all the back fat, no way this guy is SF.

  7. Ray Forest says:

    I know several Unit guys, they all have that one. I don’t see the big deal.

  8. JKifer says:

    Oh my fucking…. wow.. I bet ya hes not even in the Army…

  9. Gerard says:

    Does he work in a 7/11?

  10. Geoff says:

    His back hair will probably that right up…..

    I hope.

  11. Sam says:

    You hope alcohol was somehow involved, although I doubt it.

  12. Iheartptbelts says:

    If that’s a recruiting office I’ve got $10 says he’s not even qualified for the most basic job. “How many times have you been arrested?” “Oh damn, let me think.”
    Had a guy who was like, ” I’ve got some skills you might find useful”. Turns out those skills were burglary, attempted murder and a few other bits of awesomeness.

  13. cy says:

    Do you even operate, Bro?

    • Airborne_fister says:

      He wore multicam on a first date! Woke up that morning with 50 lbs of bacon sitting on his mother effing chest. Bitch I operate.

  14. DD says:

    I’m sure it’s a cover up of a NS Trident, I bets he is in BUDS now, because he looks very buoyant.

  15. Johnny23 says:

    Better than a sports organization tattoo.

  16. Maskirovka says:

    Reminds me of seeing a couple(!) of German soldiers in Afghanistan with… Mexican gang tattoos. Apparently that’s a thing if you are planning to never ever ever visit much of the US.

    • JPW says:

      Ja, ja, zhe German tactical hipster look. I bet the gangsta-tattos were combined with tacticool beards as well as parted long hair 😉

  17. Mark M. says:

    He looks to be in an S-6 shop or something.

  18. Sgt U says:

    Sigh. I know we ain’t rocket surgeons or brain scientists, but every once in a while a REAL genius shows himself… Sigh.

  19. Dellis says:

    “Dude! What’s mine say?”

  20. Will says:

    I’m not sure what the big deal is. That’s just his airsoft team logo. They’re called the DELTA Marine JSOC Raider SEALS Ranger Battalion.

  21. Hubb says:

    I bet he killed Bin Laden…

  22. Hubb says:

    Guys, everybody knows you are supposed to write your goals down…

  23. Jon, OPT says:

    Seems legit… wait, that beret has no flash, it’s a ruse, he’s fucking Megaforce, but I’ve said too much…

    • PSG.net says:

      Best comment. Bahaha.

    • Weaver says:

      Ixnay on the Egaforcemay.

      But I think you’re onto something here.

      Is that Angron?

      Anyone see a vest in the background capable of holding” 10-12 m14 mags across the bottom and then above those i’ll need shotgun shells, preferably the kind that gets strapped in a row with elastic. also i need it to be modular, so i could add some leg harnesses and a belt without any trouble. also some webbing on the back so i can strap stuff on in a pinch or add on to the vest later”

    • El Guapo says:

      Clearly XXXXXX, but DEEDS NOT WORDS would’ve have been just too obvious.

  24. Ex Coelis says:

    Believe the key-word is in SSD’s caption is “Unfortunately”. As is “Unfortunately, when the Jihadis got a hold of this particular operator, he became the next rock-star in one of their videos”…. Decent enough tat(I guess) but have to wonder, in this man’s chosen stock & trade, does it actually pay to advertise?

  25. Diddler says:

    Some Marines hate their lives and dream of more.

  26. Tzintzuntzan says:

    He may want to draw a sharpie outline of that reddening skin just to make sure it doesn’t start to spread.

  27. SWAT524 says:

    Hey LOOK! Its Cory From Range Time he got a new tattoo! He must have got that at the new Tatto parlor called the Sandbox ink.

  28. Kirk says:

    Ya never know…

    I knew a guy with a similarly badly conceived tattoo. His buddies took him out on a night of binge drinking and debauchery to celebrate his finally getting a coveted Ranger School slot, and a deal with the re-enlistment guys to get him a slot at one of the Ranger Battalions when he came back from the school.

    His buddies decided that it would be appropriate to have him all inked-up with a tab and a scroll on his shoulder. His right shoulder.

    This happened considerably before 1989, and I think you can imagine how well the whole thing went over when he showed up at Ranger School…

  29. Arrow 4 says:

    Never understood the whole tattoo thing? and beards are particularly gay too!

  30. Patrick holland says:

    I bet this is at a USMC recruiting office, and he is enlisting.

  31. Tim says:

    Is it me or is this idiot’s right side back and lower neck filthy? Maybe the lighting, but looks pretty scuzzy.

  32. Matt says:

    The arm tattoos appear to be new as well.


  33. Ragnar says:

    Welcome to Costco, I love you. Brought to you by Carl’s Jr.

  34. Nik says:

    Looks like he is at a recruiter’s office and they are taking a picture for his enlistment package.

  35. Chris says:

    Does anyone else notice how the M4 on the backside looks more like a HiPoint with a stock on it?

  36. Dellis says:

    Is this perhaps a pre-op pic of Bradley “Chelsea” Manning??

  37. Paul says:

    shit’ll buff out

  38. Vince says:

    “Damn, that was one hell of a night out. 1stSgt warned us about drinking and tattoos. I wish I had listened to that libo safety brief!”

  39. Mike says:

    Why do all the fatty’s and nerds do this crap. Their general appearance and lack of fitness are always the giveaway.

  40. Ranger Rick says:

    “Don’t be that guy. Yeah never mind.”