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FIME Group – Factory Range Program Now Available


LAS VEGAS, NV – FIME Group, LLC is proud to announce its release of a factory range program for select firearms. Dealers and gun ranges around the country now have the opportunity to have the quality firearms FIME Group is known for as rental guns on their ranges at affordable prices. FIME Group’s selection of firearms are one of the most reliable and high-quality firearms in the market and include the Rex Zero 1S pistol, Vepr 12 shotguns, and Vepr rifles. These highly desired firearms will make an excellent addition to any rental program and will fast become the center piece of any range line up.

There is no minimum order required, however a maximum of 5 firearms may be selected in a one-year period. Stocking for in-store firearms is done by distributors only – contact FIME Group for more information.

Contact Us
702-215-3600 or by email at rangeprogram@fimegroup.com


6 Responses to “FIME Group – Factory Range Program Now Available”

  1. Dan187 says:

    Is it just me, or does that look like a knock off Sig?

  2. ejb3 says:

    I had never heard of them until I read this.

  3. Ab5olut3zero says:

    The Arex REX Zero1 is a great pistol inported from Slovenia by FIME. It looks, feels, and shoots like a cross between a Sig 229 and H&K. Ambidextrous controls, DA/SA trigger, de-cocker- Sig form & function at half the cost. Somewhat beefy in the grip, but overall a great handgun. SO glad I picked one up!