RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Looks Like QC Issues For OCP

A deployed SSD reader was recently issued a patrol cap through Army Direct Ordering which featured a rather shoddy example of OCP.

As you may recall, the US Army’s Operational Camouflage Pattern was adopted last year and is a variant of the so-called Scorpion camouflage pattern originally developed by Crye Precision which was used for the US Army’s Objective Force Warrior program in the early 2000s.  Crye Precision later refined the developmental Scorpion pattern into the highly successful MultiCam pattern which has been adopted by USSOCOM as well as the US Army.  Despite being less effective than MultiCam, OCP was instituted in order to avoid paying license fees to MultiCam IP owner, Crye Precision.

Hopefully, those buying gear for our troops will be a bit more discriminating in their acceptance of OCP printed goods, putting performance ahead of saving a buck.

39 Responses to “Looks Like QC Issues For OCP”

  1. BAP45 says:

    And people were worried that they’re original multicam would stand out. haha.

  2. straps says:

    I remember a conversation I had with someone who manufactured clothing from Multicam® about the fulfillment challenges that would arise when the mill product (thousands of yards of fabric) failed Crye’s QC.

    That fabric is WAY out of register, and I don’t see how the taxpayer should be expected to pay for that level of incompetence.

  3. D.B. says:

    Wow, there’s so much going on there, so much so that it ceases to be effective as a camo.

    The problem with OCP is that the pattern of different color patches is printed further (much further) apart when compared to Multicam. This may be good for large pieces of clothing but for smaller ones like caps, pouches etc not so much.

    You’re likely now to end up with a cap that has the top all in green or all in brown, with sand/green patches on the sides. That isn’t a camo pattern anymore, it’s a ‘stand-out’ pattern.

    • straps says:

      There’s also an 18″ ‘cold spot’ in the pattern that’s shades of brown and tan. When I purchased my “first wave” uniforms, it took some doing to find one that didn’t have one somewhere it would stand out awkwardly. Of course, I couldn’t find a hat sewn from this part of the fabric–that would have been interesting…

      I’m fairly certain that the uniform manufacturers have adjusted the CAD files of their cutting patterns to deal with this, but every once in a while you see someone in the new uniforms who looks like they had an accident with a can of Tan Krylon Camo…

  4. Vince says:

    It looks like Woodland got drunk and puked up some OCP!

  5. Craig says:

    Ya’ know, it’s sad.

    It isn’t about that the taxpayer shouldn’t be expected to pay for this incompetence.
    It isn’t about the troops that wear the uniforms made out of stuff like this.

    It’s all about those who turn PROFIT off the uniforms and accessories ect, that are made with the pattern.

    I don’t even know why companies like this (supposing that they even do) even bother with Q.C. employees when stuff like this is turned out.
    Work ethic and pride in your accomplishments don’t even seem to matter much in America anymore,outside of a small handful of places/companies. How we ever became the industrial giant we did in the 18oo’s will probably never be repeated. And that’s kinda sad,

    • BillC says:

      Well, when the “made by the blind” duct tape comes apart from merely pulling it off the roll, why should anything else have to be made to a standard in the military? Can’t even get tape right.

  6. 32sbct says:

    I’ve noticed a lot of variation in the colors and the intensity of the colors with OCP uniforms. I’m not sure if that is because of different makers or dye lots. All you have to do is walk into any clothing sales and walk down the aisles to see this.

  7. Michael S. says:

    Looks like shit

    • D.B. says:

      Looks like the printing company over-dyed the already dyed OCP pattern, by mistake.

      Or something like that.

      • babola says:

        Yup, looks like a duplicated print…the factory did a second VAT dye run on top of the existing print. Crazy.

  8. Jon says:

    Haha I remember when we first got ACUs this kid drew a top with the sleeves sewn on the wrong side, so the pockets were it the armpits.iKnow what the Platoon Daddy stated to everyone? STFU, now when you choke someone out you can scrape their face with the Velcro. I loved it!

  9. Stu says:

    Buy once, Crye once.

  10. jkifer says:

    that just looks like absolute shit! the knockoffs coming out of china look better…

    • babola says:

      Funny you should mention that…Chinese e-comm website Aliexpress.com had OCP camo printed garments on sale 3 months before US Army introduced them officially in July last year.

    • SGT Rock says:

      It looks like he bought it at the Zhuhai Airshow. Lulz

      • Jian Hong says:

        I had a MCCUU blouse from MCRD recruit sales that had one of the breast pockets noticeably lower than the other, and trousers with buttons sewn in the wrong spot or not even sewn on well enough, falling off on me when I touch them. And I haven’t forgotten the first gen Combat Desert Jackets with bright pink sleeves. American quality at its finest lol.

        The Chinese made clothing I’ve used and abused have held up quite well, including PLA issue cammies, and unlike that messed up patrol cover, no visual defects lol

        Made in ‘muuurica doesn’t mean shit

        • Babola says:

          Sure, let’s all start buying chinese repluca crap from now on, just because you suggested it.

          • Jian Hong says:

            Lol I didn’t suggest anything, you need to reread what I typed. I’m simply giving my personal experiences to show American made isn’t always GTG. I don’t tell people what to buy but if they ask and they do often, then I will give them suggestions based on my experiences.

            I’ve seen and used quality and junk from both US and China. I’ve wasted money on American products that either didn’t impress me or ended up being total junk while the Chinese products held up quite well and was cheaper as well. These days I can’t really afford to spend on top dollar shit so if a repro works then screw it I’ll get it.

        • Jeff Clement says:

          Oh man, the first gen MARPAT Combat Desert Jacket…hilarious. They looked fine until they got rained on once…

          Our whole company got them right before heading out to 29 Palms…got caught in a desert rainstorm and came back bright pink.

          • SSD says:

            The big problem with that jacket was that it was made from three different materials and each one of them absorbed ink differently. Consequently, you had three different shades on the same jacket. That continued until they dialed it in.

  11. Disco says:

    Just go to Ranger Joes and buy the real shit and keep the pressed Army shit for inspection. Nobody will know or care.

    Tale as old as time.

  12. rowan11b says:

    I’ve actually seen misprinted fabric used on the inside of patrol caps, as well as solid color fabrics depending on the contractor. I know I’ve had patrol caps with either sand or foliage green fabric lining the inside.

  13. ChrisPL says:

    You guys get extra color, unique camo pattern and still complain. Gotta get a Snickers…

  14. bulldog76 says:

    erdl 2.0 ?

  15. Evan says:

    I think that’s why it’s on the inside of the hat. Second rate printing and variant cloth is sometimes authorized in specifications to be used for hidden parts of garments. After the air force finally sorted out the colorway problems with the ABU, the old non-standard color cloth was used until attrition on the undersides of pocket flaps and inner facings of trousers.

    • straps says:

      Wow good eye.

      Shouldn’t that hat have the data label (sizing/sourcing/care) on the inside of the top–where the pocket would ALSO normally be??

      This–and the frayed edges–lead me to believe that this troop cut the pocket out (for weight and cooling), exposing the substandard fabric…

    • Babola says:

      Great catch, I didn’t notice it before you mentioned it.
      That explains a lot. I have had unifirm pieces with inside pockets etc with faded camo prints, misaligned color patches, red stamped cloth manufacurer’s designation markings etc you name it I’ve seen it. Not surprised this cap is like that…could original poster show us what the outside of cap look like?

  16. Brent says:

    Just have everyone wear olive drab and let the deploying units buy some fabric paint to match the mission.

  17. Jian Hong says:

    I’ve seen MARPAT trousers in both patterns use their respective old school patterns for the fabric inside the top pockets. I remember one of my buddies flip his desert MARPAT pockets inside out to show 3 color desert, we both thought it was cool and funny at the same time. American Apparel or whoever made them being cheap lol.

  18. Philip says:

    A couple days late on this, but a thought: We’ve seen fake equipment work its way into procurement chains before. Look at the info that came out about WellCo boots not too long ago. Is it remotely possible that’s happened again?