AT Series by 5.11 Tactical

This Seems Appropriate

85 Responses to “This Seems Appropriate”

  1. Rob371 says:

    Speedo- check
    Rollerblades- check
    Shoulder pads with mounts for skulls- check
    Mp3 playing Yoko-Ono in constant loop- check
    Light coating of CLP- check

    Alright, let’s do this.

  2. chris says:

    Well done!

  3. Stephan says:

    Everybody gets what he deserves. But don’t be Affraid you still have youre guns to Protect yourselves against a bad Government, zombies…. Now we need something to protect the Rest of the world from Trump

  4. Disco says:

    Actually….no. It’s a new day

  5. kevin says:

    No, it’s the first victory in a long time. We managed to keep a crook and criminal out of the White House. Now, we have to keep a FNG who said stupid crap back when he was a Democrat true to his word that what he promised, he’ll fulfill.

  6. Mike says:

    Hmmmm? Not what I’d expect from this sight. Very disappointing.

    • SSD says:

      I’m sorry, but I’m not a Democrat and didn’t support the liberal agenda.

    • straps says:

      What I’d expect from a person who doesn’t know the difference between sight and site.

      Humorless homophonic.

      • 1c3 says:

        Mike couldn’t tell the difference between a candidate with decades of corruption, and a businessman. He probably thinks your “humorless homophonic” remark is a bigoted, culturally appropriated epithet.

  7. Garrett says:

    The majority of the country disagree with you. Lick your wounds in private.

    • SSD says:

      Well, it seems to me that the majority of electoral votes agree that it won’t be four more years of democratic rule. Sorry your candidate didn’t win.

    • RobCollins says:

      And the majority agrees with you, the electoral college, however, doesn’t. Pretty ballsy, Garrett, telling folks to lick themselves. Maybe the Soldier Systems electorate will vote you moderator and site admin.

  8. jjj0309 says:

    Actually, America just avoided the war with Russia, China and draconic gun laws, or possible martial law to detain gun owners.
    Feeble minded people will go full panic, surrounded by fear and shock, thinking this is some kind of signal of the Apocalypse, assuming one man can bring down this nation and it’s whole system.
    …No it’s not. We survived Bush, Obama, terrorism, wars, and far worse circumstances through times.
    Desperate time need desperate measures. America does not need a single more president who’s member of Trilateral Commission and CFR, and part of worldwide elite cronyism who been shaped the 21st century with violent fear pornography.
    It’s time to keep calm and return fire, against outgrowing threat of Terrorism. Not to make war, but to protect and save.

    Call me a Racist, Sexist, Nazi, or uneducated white man, call me whatever you want. But my heart will always go along with fellow American people’s choice.

    • AlexB says:

      U forgot an “Angry White Male” ;O) That’s how they call us now … (our grandpas were simply called “patriots” / BTW, nov. 11th is only two days away …).
      From a froggy POV I am pretty satisfied that WWIII has been postponed to a later date (will gimme extra time to gather more white flags !!!)

    • Ed says:

      Amen Brother!

      • AlexB says:

        (white flags to be given for free to all my neighbours /members of my community – I expect this dirty trick to spare me lots of ammo in uncertain times !!!)

  9. Donald Trump says:

    SSD – Maybe you should leave the country and go to Canada with Miley Siris you whinny intel weenie.

    • SSD says:

      Why would I do that?

      • Contractor says:

        Pretty sure SSD is referring to the meltdown folks in DC are having. Policy hacks and think tankers are clutching their pearls right now. Not to mention DOS is gonna be making some mad dashes before transition of power is complete.

    • Onion Reader says:

      Too bad you’re such a punk assed bitch that you have to hide behind the President Elect’s name to talk shit. Man up faggot and use your real name. Fucking POG.

      SSD has done more to support the 2A and the constitution than you’ll ever dream of cream puff.

    • Ed says:

      I only wish all those other celebrity “entertainers” (if you could call them that) make good on their promise and get the fuck out!

      ……..Yeah right, wishful thinking!

  10. Philip says:

    Did you folks ever think that SSD was having a sarcastic laugh at the complete and utter meltdown of all the special snowflakes on the left?

  11. Yogi says:

    Funny how people who have done almost nothing but crying and whining about “political correctness” for the last year get butthurt as fuck by SSD posting this song..
    Do as you preach..
    Go America..

    • Garrett says:

      How small do we look from up there on your high horse bud? Open forum. I appreciate that SSD allows post that criticize em’. Still don’t agree with the video.

      • SSD says:

        Why wouldn’t you? The world changed last night. The media had been predicting a Clinton landslide for months. Instead, a guy who has never been a politician was elected President despite opposition from within the party which nominated him. Breaking rice balls. The world as we knew it is gone and I feel just fine.

        • Garrett says:

          I’m positive you and I agree on our politics, but your intended message was lost here. You’re last statement was not at all implied by the that video. It’s the “it’s the end of the world” bit that rubs wrong. That’s what I disagree with. If you intended a sarcastic message directed at those who voted against him, I’m sure you know, you’re not speaking to that crowd. I’ll equate it to an neglect discharge in the house.

          • SSD says:

            It was definitely the end of their world. Unless you live exclusively in an echo chamber, you’ve heard them whine and cry about the results. Some have even threatened to hold their breath.

  12. Dingus says:

    “Presente Action” and “black lives matter” are two groups talking about organizing “resistance” to the new “regime”.

    I dont think election violence ended with Trump supporters getting jumped outside their rallies. Everyone stay safe and report any signals, SOCMED or otherwise about targeted violence or resistance to the proper authority.

    • Kev says:

      Organize fuckos. Soon enough Loretta Lynch and Obama’s boys at the DOJ will be on their way out and the witch hunt on cops will be over and that attention will be turned on them.

  13. Chuck says:

    I kenw SSD is with her since the Hillary Team Wendy nonsense.

  14. Juan Olvera says:

    i had a flash back to Idependence Day

  15. Judah says:

    I’m reminded of “May you live in interesting times…” cliche but appropriate. I’m happy for you guys south of the border. Real change, for the better, has never looked more possible. Hang in there though. Might not be a smooth ride.

    • SSD says:


    • L.Washing says:

      i am taking no sides here…


      The funny thing about populists running governments is that there are only 2 options;

      A; beefing up government to manifest its power (contrary to GOP voters belives) e.g Russia

      B; reducing gov spending by cutting LEO & mil cost. (Europe)

      This happens in quite a lot of countries already, but was never a real factor because it never faced the biggest military force on this planet.

      Since we never got a plan on how to fund the DoD budget, I am asking myself how you can maintain that with promised upcoming infrastructure investments and a negative stance on trade.

      Again, not taking a stance…just asking at this point.

  16. PNWTO says:

    Holy fuck, humor is totally lost on some of you guys.

    On a more serious note, let’s keep being good citizens and keep the pressure on our elected leaders to get shit done. As conservatives (and other factions), we have a lot of opportunities ahead of us, let’s not fuck this up. Keep writing, keep calling, keep being a citizen.

  17. Jester says:

    How the hell are some of you so dumb that you can’t pick up what he was putting down?

  18. Luke says:

    R.E.M. to Trump, Other Pols: ‘Go F–k Yourselves’ for Using Our Music

    Rolling Stone.–k-yourselves-for-using-our-music-20150909

  19. Darkhorse says:

    Funny, but I’ve spent years deployed and the better part of 20 years defending the rights of Americans to be able to say and believe whatever they want. If SSD was liberal, conservative, atheist, or believed in magic carrots, it makes no difference to me. It’s his right and he’s entitled to his opinions. It’s what makes America great.

    It bothers me that if anyone has a dissenting opinion or prerogative, people are intolerant of any belief aside from their own or what they believe to be “group think”. I like to engage in healthy discussion of different ideals and beliefs. If SSD was a raving liberal magic carrot guy, I’d still come to his website and see what’s happening in tactical/shooting world. And more importantly, being a magic carrot guy doesn’t mean you can’t be a great American or amazing friend.

  20. JB says:

    Holy fuck, there are some dumb motherfuckers leaving comments on this post. Wow.

  21. Callmespot says:

    If you are going to be dumb and angry, at least use proper spelling and grammar.

    I vote SSD for press spokesman! And before you fucktards jump on my use of spokesman and not saying spokesperson just head back to your safe space and kiss my republican ass

    A big thanks to SSD for a great site and great sight!!

  22. TK says:

    Damn, there goes my investment in all that ammo and those possibly soon-to-be banned high capacity magazines! How will I get my money back? I guess I’ll just have to go to range and have some fun…

  23. Terry Baldwin says:

    Emotion aside, there are a couple of facts that people should keep in mind,

    One, it appears that Clinton won the popular vote. The numbers are close but it does mean that half the electorate voted for one candidate and half for the other. That is the sign of a sharply divided country. No change there.

    Two, it also appears that (like usual) 95% of incumbents of both parties won reelection. It is hard to believe that much will be different if almost all the players are still the same. No change there either.

    So, whether you are experiencing euphoria or depression right now, it still seems too soon to tell IMO if anything is really going to change one way or the other.

    I’m old and cynical so I’m inclined to believe that despite a handful of new faces it will still be the same old song and dance. FWIW


    • Mick says:

      I’m a liberal, so definitely feeling the sting today…

      But Terry to your point… I always percieved the gridlock as a result of partisan blocking and maneuvering. Now that the Republicans will control President/Senate/House/Supreme Court, I think LOTS of stuff will get passed as these majorities ride roughshod over the Democrats.

      We have four years to see what an all-R bench can do (first time they’ve run it all since the 1920’s) so it’ll be interesting, for sure…

    • jjj0309 says:

      No, you are not cynical, Mr. Baldwin. You are wise. That is.
      Apparently many middle-class kids aren’t wise as you, thinking he’s some kind of new America’s absolute monarch Hitler or something, and this is the end of days, went full panic before all matters, just like kids to.
      These young people will never do their own research and probably never realize that we’ve far worse chiefs many times in the past and we survived, and he’s far from what they really thinks.
      Only time will tell. My community already branded me as a traitor of my ethnic group for supporting him. I heard unspeakable things. I’m tired from all of these. Seems like people more and more losing their tolerance and insight in this modern days. Everyone is quick to judge, forever to embrace.
      We are slowly bloating in our opinions. I remember back in days when we actually embraced our enemies and opponents, and it was considered as virtue. It was America’s greatest trait.

  24. AGL Bob says:

    All I know is the soon to be HMFIC is NOT a politician. How refreshing.

    • L.Washing says:

      yeah. Speaking of that. Would anyone of you put a rookie into the USMC commandant chair?

      Is a chessna-pilot a good replacement for a F-22 squadron leader.

      Is there any high-profile position on this planet where hiring a complete beginner is a good option.

      Does any Leo want a partner without any training not experience?
      (Although he might be a great real-estate guru)

      Would any leatherneck here accept a person without basic training to join his squad and go on missions with him?

  25. CWG says:

    Can anybody tell me what pants costa wore to the polls?

  26. bloke_from_ohio says:

    Can we ship some compasses to the folks threatening to leave? Pick a point guys and just keep going.

  27. John Smith says:

    The funniest thing about this post are the folks misunderstanding its intent. People are so primed to cast each other to opposite extremes that a tiny bit of nuance confuses them terribly. Polarization is blinding agent.