
Check Out Operational Detachment Source

Operational Detachment Source is a new family owned web shop near Fort Bragg. It’s owned by an SF guy and will have a storefront after the New Year. Right now, their main effort is an online presence offering some great brands, and are constantly adding more.

While you persuse their site, you might also see some familiar stuff, like Presscheck Consulting.


4 Responses to “Check Out Operational Detachment Source”

  1. Tom Jurris says:

    Josh is an upstanding guy and will do everything he can to help out a customer. Glad to see him doing great things.

  2. Jon, OPT says:

    These guys are doing it right, and it’s good to see that in a Bragg based business. A lot of good is going to come out of this.

  3. 11BenchseatsandChinooks says:

    Bragg units always need help. Go get ’em ODS!!

  4. Kyle H says:

    The people at OPD Source rock and the products are legit. I won’t hesitate to order from them again.