SIG SAUER - Never Settle

Misty Mountain Wants To Make Sure You’re Using The ISH Chest Harness Properly

Misty Mountain has been designing and building climbing equipment for over 30 years. We highly value the trust of our customers and strive to provide them with the highest quality gear. We have recently become aware of instances where our ISH Chest harness has been used incorrectly. We want to make sure we do our best to inform operators on the proper use of the ISH Chest harness and prevent misuse.

The ISH Chest must be used in combination with a sit harness. The proper way to tie-in is to pass the rope through both the chest and sit harness tie-in points. This is the method for attachment that the ISH Chest has been tested to and certified by the UIAA. This is the only method of attachment that has been third party tested and approved.

For users who want a higher single point attachment for activities like insertion and extraction, we have discovered a way of doing this with the ISH Chest and a sit harness that relies upon attachment to the top of the load rated adjustable tether that connects the ISH Chest to the sit harness. This method has been tested by Misty Mountain in-house and is load rated to 15 kN. Please note that this is NOT the method by which the UIAA tested and approved the ISH Chest, and this method has NOT been third party tested or approved.

The user should never tie-in or attach solely to the ISH Chest sternum loop. The ISH Chest harness was not designed for this direction of pull and will fail if misused in this manner resulting in serious injury or death.

Please review the attached ISH Chest Technical Notice. Please contact Misty Mountain if you have any questions about the use of this product.

Misty Mountain is redesigning the ISH Chest double buckle piece to reduce the potential for misuse and this redesigned unit will be incorporated into all ISH Chest harnesses beginning in 2017. We are currently having this information translated into Spanish and we will provide this translated notice as soon as it’s available.

Misty Mountain Threadworks, Inc

Phone: 828-963-6688
Fax: 828-963-6810



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