SIG MMG 338 Program Series

EZ Accuracy – New AR-15 Gas Block Dimple Tool


EZ Accuracy introduces innovative and simple tool to dimple AR-15 barrels when installing gas blocks that have set screws.

WARMINSTER, Pennsylvania- 2Feb2017- EZ Accuracy, a full service gunsmith shop, announced today the release of a simple-to-use tool that helps AR-15 builders properly dimple their barrels to accept set screws that keep the gas block from moving. This is a step that many builders skip due to the fact that locating the proper location to drill the dimples can be a difficult and nerve-racking task. Putting the dimple in the wrong place can mean having to go with a different style gas block or in a worst case scenario, ruining your barrel. We feel that ensuring a gas block cannot move is essential in the continued reliability of your AR platform.

While there are tools on the market that accomplish this task, they are all proprietary to a certain gas block. Unless you are a shop that always use the same gas block, it’s not very economical to spend money on the tool. As a shop that installs a large variety of gas blocks, EZ Accuracy came up with a simple and fast way to install any block that uses a 10-32 sized screw. “Gas blocks are very easy to slide onto the barrel but can become tricky when machining so that the block will not shift. Many AR builders will skip this step out of fear of placing the dimple in the wrong place. I have used this method for years and I’m now offering the tools at a price that’s a fraction of the price of gas block tools available on the market”, says Eric Feldman, owner and gunsmith at EZ Accuracy.

Using this system is simple. Install your gas block using the manufactures instructions. When you are sure the block is in the proper location, remove one set screw and install the EZ Accuracy screw. From here you can slide the supplied marking pin through the center of the screw and tap to center punch the dimple location. Now you can remove the marking pin and lightly drill through the screw using a 1/8” drill bit. When you have your dimple, replace the set screw and repeat with the remaining set screws until complete.

At $14 with free shipping, the tool is well worth checking out. It is available directly from EZ Accuracy’s website at


5 Responses to “EZ Accuracy – New AR-15 Gas Block Dimple Tool”

  1. justin says:

    This is a great value for dimpling gas block locations. However, the plus side to the more expensive alternative, is they use a tipped screw that locates in to the gas port, that makes insuring the gas block is at top dead center a breeze. I’ll probably buy one, another tool in the toolbox as they say.

    • SShink says:

      “a tipped screw that locates in to the gas port, insuring the gas block is at top dead center” please explain.

    • MidGasFan says:


      This was my first thought, too. But, for a vast majority of hobby folks this system would be the cats’ meow. For those of us that are going for exacting standards or larger-type production, a specific tool would be better.

      I have found that most set screw gas blocks come in two spacing sizes. There are others of course, but two are the most common.

      I could really see using this if say, someone has one tool but the spacing is wrong for the specific gas block they are wanting to use.

      In that instance, locate the first hole, using the gas block dimpling tool, which is always directly under the gas port in the block, drill, then install that rear screw. Then, install this tool from EZ Accuracy into the front hole of the gas block, mark the forward dimple, remove gas block, drill and reinstall the gas block. Done.

      Seeing simple solutions for simple issues is always welcome and for one, I think this is a great idea. It can’t hurt to have more good tools in the kit!