
Tactical Tailor Releases Rogue Line

Tactical Tailor is proud to release to the public, the Rogue line of tactical equipment. Our Fight Light line of equipment has been wildly successful and lightened the load for scores of our warfighting and law enforcement professionals for years. The research and development team here wanted to take this program to the next level.

This team of professionals, comprised of experts in manufacturing, design and several warfighters worked on and proofed this concept and crafted these products to be lighter, aid in greater mobility, and enhance lethality. The Rogue line delivers an ensemble of products that use updated materials and techniques of manufacturing to give our customer the most advanced product line in Tactical Tailor history.

These products include a Plate carrier with 2 cummerbund systems, an adaptable chest rig, open top mag pouches with internal retention for either 5.56mm or 7.62 magazines, a first aid pouch, side sapi plate pocket, and an attachment system that allows for pouches to be mounted below the front or rear plate pocket. The plate carrier is currently offered in medium to accept the majority of armor plates in the market.

Size small and size large are in development. They will be on the shelf as soon as possible.

Please visit to see and order these new products.


4 Responses to “Tactical Tailor Releases Rogue Line”

  1. Current link –

    Always a pleasure to see significant advancement in materials from such a staple of quality kit manufacture.

    Will have to try one of those pouches out, sounds like someone else finally cottoned on to the Emdom IAP idea and that half-inch on the back is great, exactly what I’ve been looking for for a couple of recent belt purchases. I’ll use WTFix straps instead of MALICE, but you one can’t always have everything.

    The price jump on the MC option there does seem a little higher than usual, especially given so much of the outer surface area isn’t actually multicam, but laser cut PALS with stretch to accommodate different plates and placard/chest rig attachment are all nice. Like to see an option to get the skeletal cummerbund right away to save a few, have PALS on the side out of the gate and maybe have a bit wider range of adjustment than the elastic?

    • Lasse says:

      From what I can see, it’s just the back plate bags themselves that stretch, and not the actual laser cut PALS material, which reads like it’s Hypalon/HANK or an equivalent.
      My guess is that the price difference is in the pricing between solid colored tweave, webbing and velcro vs MC. $40 seems high, but I didn’t do their math.

  2. Lasse says:

    Forgot to write this as my own comment, but what’s up with the tiny 600px photos? I mean even instagram uses 1080px photos..

  3. Luke says:

    Well, you might accuse them of being late to the party but TT can always be counted on for solid execution. Looks like a great rig at a great price too.