
You Never Know Where They’ll Show Up

Looks like somebody visited Millbrook Tactical.


5 Responses to “You Never Know Where They’ll Show Up”

  1. .308 says:

    HQ? do they have other locations?

  2. Bradkaf308 says:

    Bring back the retail. Please.

  3. Guys,
    just wanted to answer some of your questions. This picture was taken in Ottawa at our HQ. We have a showroom on site and welcome you all.

    I’m very glad to say we will be announcing the details for two new retail locations by the summer (locations to be disclosed at a later date). Our website is being revamped as we speak and should be up in the next couple of months. This revamp will include an Academy page where we will post info on our various LEO training courses.

    Our web store will soon be open for civilian and LEO business. We are sorry for the inconvenience our web site caused but we are absolutely pumped to support you all in the very near future.

    Thank to SSD for the post and whoever sent this picture in. Cheers!

  4. Bradkaf308 says:

    Glad to hear it. Looking forward to shopping again. But based on what Riley said I’ll look tomorrow at work.