Protact by Haartz

SEALS Action Gear Closes Doors

We are very sad to hear the Canadian retailer SEALS Action Gear has closed its doors. They made this announcement earlier today on Facebook.


12 Responses to “SEALS Action Gear Closes Doors”

  1. Ex Coelis says:

    Damn shame. Another decent hard-working Canadian business bites the dust….

  2. Duncan says:

    That’s terrible news. They were a great resource here in town, and beyond. I wish them well.

  3. jjj0309 says:

    Too bad, I liked their anorak. It was functional and affordable.

  4. Nooooo ! My first MultiCam set was ordered there, in 2006 ! :-/

  5. Jack Boothe says:

    With this closure and the closure of Drop Zone Tactical a few years ago, is there an opportunity or issue with the MILTAC industry in Canada? Both these companies produced excellent products, IMO, but could not make a go of it. Is there a declining base for their products in Canada (i.e., less military spending and deployments) or another reason(s) that caused them to shutter their doors?

    • Brian says:

      I know that for SEALs the 911 Supply opening up basically across the street couldn’t have been good for them they carry a lot more brands have great prices and the people there are extremely helpful. Having been to both in person since I’m living in Calgary currently I can say 911 Supply was just miles better as a customer.

      • Rob says:

        I understand from source that there were a lot of factors at play – the economy being just a contributing factor. Main issues were no business plan, lack of working capital (ie no line of credit), failure to pay suppliers, abrasive attitude of the owner, no business experience etc. They hired decent people in the last couple of years – people with a good track record and experience but I’m sure they are only as good as the tools given to them and they weren’t able to work miracles. I’ve heard first hand, the owner consistently blaming his staff for the last three years instead of taking charge of his own business. Its a shame they’ve closed but not unexpected.

        • C262 says:

          Sad but I heard the customers left when John sold the business a few years back, he was the man that had the contacts and kept the customers coming through the doors. I dont live in Calgary but always made sure to stop in when I was in town, my wallet always left a few dollars lighter.

  6. R711 says:

    TYR Tactical has opened up a manufacturing depot in Ontario. As to DZ Tactical, I’m not sad. But, the loss of seals action gear is a big hit

  7. Lean-N-Supreme says:

    I know a bunch of guys who got CADPAT smocks made by SEALS Action Gear and it seems like they make high quality products. Sucks to hear that I won’t be able to get my hands on one anymore.

    • smock says:

      I own one of those Cadpat Smocks Great quality and an amazing piece of Kit. It is a shame that they are shutting down.

  8. Jim says:

    Not surprised at all. While they had a good selection of merchandise the prices were way too high. I found many of the exact same items for sale in other stores for much cheaper often at less than half the price that seals was charging.