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Ft Bragg Warfighter Expo – Battelle DroneDefender

The proliferation of inexpensive, commercial drones has led to their increased use on the battlefield, with friends and foes alike employing them for both ISR and kinetic weapon use. Consequently, there has to be a Counter to Unmanned Aerial Systems. Battelle has introduced their cUAS in the form of the DronedDfender.


Quite simply, the DroneDefender’s signal disrupts the remote control link of the UAS. This video gives you an idea of how it works.

The DroneDefender is a similar form factor as the M16 which makes it simple to aim at a target and blends in better on the battlefield with standard weapons.


17 Responses to “Ft Bragg Warfighter Expo – Battelle DroneDefender”

  1. Adun says:

    I am assuming the video is demonstrating what would happen with a UAV which is set to land when it loses signal. What would happen with a UAV that is programmed to return to home when it loses signal?

    • DC says:

      It returns to home,

      • DC says:

        My comment was cut off by accident, but yes it follows what’s programmed in the drone

    • PaFcio says:

      This device is said to also disrupt GPS signal. AFAIK return home function requires GPS signal to find POI. Or at least I don’t know any drone with INS ability for that.

  2. -Peter- says:

    It jams the GPS too. It wont know where to return to.

    I wonder the actual use max range

  3. Mike McNeil says:

    Is that an Eotech?? And if it is…..

    • jbgleason says:

      Can’t be.

    • CardiacKid says:

      Who cares? It’s RF, not a bullet. Stevie Wonder could jam a COTS drone with the type of directional antennas this has as long as he could hear the general direction it was in.

      • Mike McNeil says:

        That’s I was wondering why they showed it with a reflex site, and yeah it’s a Sightmark, should have looked closer at the logo.

  4. Chris says:

    Sight Mark……really guys?

  5. Stefan S. says:

    I prefer to use a Patriot for drones. lol.

  6. B0x3R0ck says:

    This needs to be smaller, lighter and an underbarrel attachment for it to be of any kind of use in combat. The fact you have to switch from your primary firearms to use is a big downfall in my book.

    • SSD says:

      They’ll get there one day, but other anti-aircraft systems are not integrated into the Soldier’s primary weapon.

  7. Adun says:

    So, does it make more sense to use something like this, or a shotgun with bird shot?

  8. Keno Alexander says:

    What is the long term health issues of firing this thing near your head? I mean people worry about a cell phone, imagine this things power radiating the back of your skull.