
Casca – A Blast From The Past

I like to bring the Casca books up every once in awhile because they were such a big part of my adolescence.


Did you read this book like I did? If so, did you know that the Casca images by artist Darrel Millsap on the cover of every title were based on this photo of author Barry Sadler?


And, did you know that Special Forces Veteran Barry Sadler also wrote and performed the song “The Ballad of the Green Berets” which hit Number 1 on the charts in the Spring of 1966?


Although Sadler passed away in 1989 of complications following a gun shot wound, the Casca-series of books are still being produced.

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11 Responses to “Casca – A Blast From The Past”

  1. Hubb says:

    My parents would buy all of the Casca series books when I was growing up…they were awesome.

  2. John says:

    Available on kindle, on iTunes as audiobook, sometimes eBay will hav the entire series for sale. Barry Sadler books are the best but the new author is pretty decent.

    • Steve says:

      Great tip on the Kindle/iTunes sources. Never thought to look there–thanks!

  3. Gerard says:

    Sadler was talented but his life after the military was messy

  4. Chalky says:

    Someone at work was letting me borrow the series, one at a time to read. I was on book 5 or 6 and the arsehole gets fired. Little did I know that those books are almost impossible to find. The are true page turners, I’d love to own a set of my own!

  5. Disco says:

    “As you are, so shall you remain until I return!”

    I remember reading these a lot as a youth. The part where he was in the ER in ‘Nam was far out. He’d been a Centurion, a Barbarian, a Pirate, a Wehrnacht Tanker, and a SOG in ‘Nam.

    Life well lived

  6. Joe T. says:


    • Gerard says:

      His song help bring so much public awarness to the SF. My cousin owned a copy of it and we loved listening to it.

  7. TonyR says:

    Latest Casca novel was published just a week ago and is abont Custer’s Last Stand. See it here

  8. Whiskey says:

    Thank you for putting this up here. I had never heard of this series, and I am enjoying it now “free” thanks to my subscription to Kindle Unlimited. Perfect sort of book for the lunch break.