AT Series by 5.11 Tactical

Springfield Armory Launching New XDE Compact Pistol at NRAAM

Introducing a new Springfield Armory pistol so compact, so capable, and so comfortable you’ll carry it everywhere.

Come see it unveiled on Friday at the NRA Annual Meeting.

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69 Responses to “Springfield Armory Launching New XDE Compact Pistol at NRAAM”

  1. minn-kota says:

    Awesome! Another crap pistol aimed at the security guard market. It won’t fit into any holster made for any of the other 3 families of not-compatible-with-eachother XD’s… But every low-budget tac-tard will swear it’s the best pistol they ever shot.

    Seriously Springfield, stop it. These guns are crap, and totally at odds with your awesome M1A and 1911 offerings.

    Keep it up, and I’ll start a petition to have you moved downstairs at SHOT, with all the other un-holsterable pistols.

    • MASIVROR says:


    • Jack says:

      *laughs in Sig Sauer*

      • SwampFoot says:

        *laughs harder at Sig in HK* I guess if carrying HK is low budget then I must be, but until HK comes up with a sub compact that can compete with the XDE in price then I’ll use it for EDC. I’ve had several XD’s all accurate and all reliable but never liked them as much as my HK USP for DA/SA hammer fired till Springfield got close enough for me to buy one for EDC. Sounds to me like minn-kota just likes to drop names instead of what works best for him or her and not worry about what someone else prefers.

    • Larry Turner says:

      Well don’t buy it, everything isnt for your likings, I’m pretty sure many will like it and springfield will continue to be a premium handgun

    • Joe says:

      You sir, or ma’m just the internet.

    • Rob says:

      I have Glocks, Rugers, Colt and others and with the exception of my 1911’s these are the best of the lot in dependability, warranty, and most important accuracy. Out of the box way better trigger than any glock made. Better grip than any of the other polymer’s too.

    • BMC says:

      I’ve got over 6k rounds through mine with no issues. Fits my hand better than Glock or M&P and better trigger than both. Grip safety has never been an issue shooting with either hand and while it’s far from essential I don’t mind the added security. I’ve certainly seen handguns FTE with improper grips, particularly Glocks, so an improper grip is an issue no matter your choice of platform. I’m a fan of the ambidextrous magazine release. I shot plenty before I settled on the XD and I don’t regret my decision.

      The bile against them is unwarranted.

      • Gene Matthews says:

        Totally agree. Glocks are highly overrated anymore. Shooting ergonomics of their same old same old platform are horrible. Pull up quickly on the target and you still have to consciously raise the the front site quite a lot to be on target. The Glock name and reputation of being the first polymer framed pistol dont hold water anymore. They haven’t improved them at all over the years. Pull any XD onto target quickly and the front site is dead on the mark. No contest here.

    • Arboc77 says:

      What an extraordinarily uninformed opinion.

      My wife and I have 11 XD-series guns BECAUSE they’re about the best gun you can buy.

      Before the trolls get rolling, I’m an expert shot, an NRA-certified instructor, and have been teaching advanced shooting courses professionally for years. My main XDm 3,8 9mm has over 35,000 rounds downrange, with no malfunctions not due to ammunition. My XDs 9mms are comfortable to shoot, comfortable to carry, highly accurate, and very reliable.

      As supplied, the guns are very well equipped, and unlike many other brands, you can obtain nearly every imaginable accessory for them. This, in a very affordable package.

      I don’t expect different models to use the same accessories because I don’t want the designers to have to compromise a new gun to fit legacy dimensions. Since I’m “all growed up”, I can also afford to buy them. 🙂

      • burns says:

        Guns are only as good as the shooter, If you can’t control a 9mm midsize gun, you need to get in the gym. I am an old guy and was shooting combat courses against all the 3 and 4 letter law enforcement agencies before most of the big mouthed newbie shooters were born. We all started with 357 revolvers and 38 snubbies back then.
        If you can’t control these 9mm wonder guns, I wonder why you even bother shooting at all. Keep it in your pants and hope for the best, it ain’t the gun. Unless you can shoot like JM, or Maas, you really shouldn’t embarass yourself, by blaming the gun for your lack of abilities. A true marksman can shoot a zip gun and hit the target.

    • DCH says:

      Presumably, you’ve shot all of Springfield’s handguns, so you’re qualified to make such a moronic statement? I own several Springfield handguns, as well as Ruger and Glock. Personally, I like my Springfields more. But, I don’t come off sounding like some illiterate moron making uneducated assumptions. Now then, if you have personally fired each and every gun, then you must know what you’re talking about but are just incapable of any useable data or significant insight.

    • Favoredone says:

      Nah you got it ALL wrong!!

  2. shojus says:

    Someone’s butt-hurt!

    • Handyhiker says:

      I have 2 XDm’s, 1 9mm and 1 45ACP. Wouldn’t trade them for any other gun that I know of. They fit me, shoot every time and finding holsters is no problem. Not sure why you think it is. I carry every day and trust my life to these guns.

  3. Mark says:

    Springfield is constantly re-creating the compact pistol. XDs, XD Mod 2, and now XDe. I like my XD mod 2, but still carry my 1911 daily as I have for decades. Not too excited about the “E”.

    • babola says:

      And there lies the rub…these pistols aren’t Springfield’s own product, they never were.
      They’re Croatian made HS2000 variants, imported into US, slapped with XD logo and marketed as such.
      The price point just happens to work in both Croatian’s and Springfield’s favor. They are decent pistols but that’s all there is to them, really.

  4. cy says:

    I like my original XD. I don’t understand all haters out there, is there something I missed. I guess you must own a glock or SW to be tacti-cool.

    • BillC says:

      Because it’s a terrible design with critical, show stopping flaws. It’s a Croatian pistol with Springfield stamped all over that should have just stayed in Croatia. It has a grip safety and if it breaks or jams, it literally locks the slide, even with a live round in the chamber. Tell me how that is a good design? Where worst case, the grip safety breaks and it deadlines the gun; or best case, a weak grip such as using a less than ideal grip with a weak hand prevents the slide from being manipulated or the gun from being fired.

      The second main problem is where a roll pin likes to walk out when the pistol is actually put through its paces. I’m not talking about a box of 9mm once a month or two, but actually shooting that gun hard. When that pin walks out from the slide, it’s a show stopper.

      It’s. A. Garbage. Gun. Want to know what they did to improve the Gen 2 XD’s? They put “GRIP ZONE” on the grip.

      This isn’t a Glock or S&W pissing contest, the XD is an overpriced joke of a garbage gun.

      • Joe says:

        That and parts are stupid hard to get, so when they do break, you’re screwed.

      • Dev says:

        You must not like 1911 drop safeties than?

        • Dev says:


        • BillC says:

          I don’t have a problem with 1911 grip safeties. They are large and it doesn’t freeze the slide if it were to somehow fail, jam, or isn’t depressed.

      • minn-kota says:

        At one of the cheapest options, it’s still overpriced.

        We see them daily, crap handguns that will make up for every penny of savings with the frustration you get trying to find holsters and mags, god-forbid replacement parts.

        Just say no to:
        S&W SD9VE / Sigma Series
        Ruger SR9
        Anything with an XD in it.

        Sorry, the dipshit salesman at the gun store knew two things, that he was smarter than you, and that you were cheap.

        • Captain 'Merica says:

          At least the SR and Sigmas are ACTUALLY cheap. Sticker pice on an XD is much closer to the duty grade firearms they can’t compete with.

          Also, do you have a holster for my XD with light? I forget the model…it’s the ultra high output military flashlight that I was told to buy before it was banned from civilian sale.

        • Shadow says:

          Not sure what you mean about “trying to find holsters”, I’ve had my XDm for years and have seen hundreds of holsters for it. I don’t need replacement parts because they don’t break, and I’ve found mags every store I’ve ever gone to! So yeah, not sure where your mind is at, but I’m guessing your head is up Glocks ass!

          • Handyhiker says:

            I totally agree. Never had a problem finding holsters or mags. Guess maybe you actually have to look.

      • Kraken9 says:

        Says who? Your holiness BillC??

        Just because you don’t agree with a design component doesn’t make it a crap gun. I’ve been told by SWAT and LEOs that I know directly that SWs had the most problems when they tested new firearms.

        I’ve owned two Springfields and witnessed my uncle shoot thousands of rounds at 3 gun competitions out of his without a problem. I’ve never heard of a verifiable story of a grip safety failing much less roll pins sliding out.

        At least my Springfield won’t shoot my jewels off if it gets caught on my shirt regolstering appendix carry. I’ve seen an ND with a Glock and heard of manny more because guess what, mistakes happen. The probability of anyone having an ND is far greater than me getting in a life or death situation AND my grip safety spontaneously failing.

        • BillC says:

          What’s your point. I’ve seen negligent discharges from Glocks, AR15s, M4s, M16s, M9s, CZs, Mk19s, M2s, AKs, and even gasp, the XD. It doesn’t change the fact that the XD is a terrible designs when alternatives exist.

          • Greg Krest says:

            Man, you sure see a lot of ND’s. I have been a cop for 30 years an have only seen two.

            • BillC says:

              I know. Some of them were newbies in Basic, some were in Afghanistan with US and coalition forces including ANA/ANP (Yes, I witnessed an ANA guy f#$*ing ND an OG-7 (not rocket version of the PG-7) with an RGP-7). The rest were personally witnessed at ranges or friends admitting to NDs. The XD and its amazing ND Proof Grip Safety was a friend putting his XD into its box, which he though was unloaded (mag out, round in chamber), because he was previously distracted by his dog (did not finish unloading, obviously). He had a positive grip, but he stated while he was putting the pistol into its box, he pushed his finger into the trigger guard in his haste. ND right into his pillow. This is why the 4 rules trump any amazing extra safeties. No matter what it is, there is a person that has “beaten” it. People and machines are fallible.

            • BillC says:

              Indeed. I’ve seen an ND into a wall from an ANA guy with a RPG-7 shooting the OG-7. No, it didn’t go off, too short of a range for it to arm.

        • HumbleMarksman says:

          I started competing with an XD. I made it through about a year with no issues . That said a recent extreme close quarters class I took I missed my grip on the draw a few times. If I was using an XD I would have missed the grip safety on several of them. They aren’t bad guns, but they aren’t standouts either.

      • Jim Lawrence Jr says:

        I’m not sure where all this butthurt is coming from. But, I’ve got over 3000 rounds down my XDm .45 without one hiccup. Not one… And It also eats up whatever I feed it. Not to mention at 10yds I can put an entire magazine inside of a baseball with it.

      • Jarred says:

        You literally have zero experience with the gun as is evident. I’m not sure how the grip safety gets stuck or broke for that matter. It’s a part that has almost zero stress on it basically ever while being operated. I have had roughly zero stoppages caused by the grip safety in two different XD designed pistols with a total round count of roughly 40000 between them mostly shot during USPSA matches. Next the role pin does not walk out (hint that’s why it’s a roll pin), the breakage comes from the firing pin body actually striking the roll pin which can be exasterbated from dry firing. However the issue is not wide spread and does not effect all the pistols. If a person is concerned the simple fix is to remove the roll pin or replace with the heavy duty Powder River roll pin. Which I’ve done on both of mine, as mentioned roughly 40000 round count and god knows how many dry fires.

        So congratulations you’ve read the internet but actually have zero experience with the gun. It’s a solid design that God knows how many people enjoy shooting, is it perfect no but none are.

        Also parts are extremely easy to come by, Powder River precision, Springer Precision, XD parts, Dawson, ect.

      • Dan says:

        Lol hey rambo get over yourself and stop trying to justify your firearm purchases.

        • Jarred says:

          Rambo? I don’t need to justify my purchase, I have Glocks, Sigs, Springfield, STI, and others I’ve built myself. I have no ego attached to my purchase or my firearms choices. I’m simply stating facts based on my first hand experience with said firearms. I do find it amusing you call me Rambo when I talked about shooting my firearms in a game, not some super operator training or field use. If someone is going to speak out their ass they’re going to get called on it.

  5. Rcher says:

    I would like to see an XDm style with restrike capability in .45. Maybe a DAO auto with a good trigger.

  6. DStarr02 says:

    You all are quick to bash a company that doesn’t need to flood the market with spare parts, they take care of their customers. That’s something not just the rest of the market, the rest of the country should take a note or two on. As far as the guns from Croatia and the grip safety, learn how to hold your guns, a weak hand grip is not an excuse for a weak or improper grip. If you can’t hold the gun properly, should you be so quick to judge? I would rather have a gun that makes you grip it properly than a gun that will shoot me in the leg if i bump the trigger. Hence the word SAFETY. And for other guns they may fire a thousand rounds in a row, but that’s only since you failed to mention the stove pipes and failures to eject or feed, plus who’s firing that many rounds out of a single stack concealed carry weapon? Get a rifle, that’s where those come in. These aren’t a competition gun, the guns for that
    Purpose from Springfield top all guns listed above by leaps and bounds, but I’m sure you can name another iron sight pistol that after thousands of rounds without failure can still place 5 rounds every time in a 1/4 inch group at 25 yards. Keep smoking what flock is selling but don’t try and sell the snake oil you just bought from them. By the way the gun i was talking about as the last reference was the Springfield Professional.

    • BillC says:

      Weak hand means non dominate hand. As in you’re holding it because you are injured and can not facilitate a positive grip. I assume you are an adult, take this information as you will. It’s no skin off my back.

      • Rob says:

        I’ve shot XD’s and 1911’s in every position possible with both hands and never once had a problem with the grip safeties.

        • BillC says:

          But 1911 grip safeties does not weld the slide shut if it fails or is not depressed. That’s the main thing I am harping on.

          • sansenoy says:

            Grip safety breaking??? It’s a fat chunk of metal whose spring isn’t even under any cycling stress, it’s well protected from any drops since it’s in a deeply convex part of the grip and so on… You’re seriously reaching, the entire pistol would fall apart before the grip safety could even crack.

    • Captain 'Merica says:

      Did you seriously just compare a several thousand dollar built-to-order custom gun based on a proven design…to a licensed turd with “Springfield” slapped on it?

      Are you NOT shooting thousands of rounds out of your single stack subcompact that you carry every day?

      And final question…Securitas? Or just neighborhood watch?

      • Tm1575 says:

        Not that anyone still cares this far ino it BUT…
        I believe the new “e” is a more ergonomic designed, 380 /9mm offering to more directly compete with the Shield or pocket pistol market. The ad states “most comfortable….concealable” pistol

    • HumbleMarksman says:

      No production gun shoots 1/4″ groups at 25 yards. The grip safety is an issue if you miss your grip on a draw. If you take a serious class and they put proper pressure on you, you will miss your grip on the draw, everyone does.

      • SwampFoot says:

        Why is this discussion so focused on how trashy the grip safety is when the XDe has no grip safety! It is SA/DA with decocker and manual safety lever just like my HK USP V1

  7. Amill says:

    Parts are actually extremely easy to get on several websites. Have spare parts for all of mine, although I’ve never needed any other than Springs. Sounds like the haters on here don’t have any real experience, just what they read on the Internet.

    • HumbleMarksman says:

      Most people on the internet don’t shoot enough to need to swap parts on a pistol, springs or otherwise.

      My XD did fine when I shot it in competition. I just bought in on the hype for another platform. Still fine. I would rather a safety feature like a glock gadget or a hammer you can check on a DASA pistol.

    • Erin says:

      I agree. Would I say its the top of the line? No, not by any stretch of the imagination. Its not intended to be. But I haven’t had a single issue with mine and I shoot regularly. Also who cares where its made? Is there some rule saying Croatians cant make a decent pistol?

      • The Pig says:

        SA sent me said roll pin for free when it broke on my xdm9 less than 500 rnds in. No questions asked. I would call CS before you complain about your broken investment and not being able to find parts. As far as the grip saftey, it takes all of 5 or 6 grams to push it in…for as much time as some spend on teh webz, their hands should be stronger. And finally have your seen the Prez of Croatia? She could do custom work on my love gun any day.

  8. William says:

    All Hail to sig p226 mk25 and sig legion 229!

  9. 876 says:

    I own multiple Springfields everything from my original 2004 XD9 several XDM, and a 2017 XD Mod 2 45acp service. I own several Glocks from 17 – 22 with the exception of a G18 and G20. I have put more rounds than I can count through all of them and not one failure. All guns are as good as the operator who shoots and takes care of them. BTW I had no problem finding a holster to fit my XD with Surefire mounted light. I have never had any issues with grip safely either. People always coming up with hypothetical problems to cast doubt if shit is going to happen it’s going to happen regardless of what you’re packing.

  10. MattDaddy602 says:

    Springfield And has produced many fine guns. I love their 1911’s and even though they did not produce the original HS2000 I like what they did with that line all except for the Grip Zone. I absolutely love my XDM and my XDS, they shoot amazingly well I shoot them often and have never had a malfunction yet that wasn’t ammo related. I also like the Saint build its a fine AR especially for the price. As far as the grip safety I have never had a problem with-it and I have no problem in one hand mag changes. I like Glocks as well and the M&P’s are great guns, so to each his own, like what you will, try not to get shot with any of them because I’m pretty sure they’ll all kill the same. Have fun. Be safe.

    • Tm1575 says:

      I am LEO, have sold for a gun shop and work on guns for fellow LEO’S. I have owned several SA XD models, love(d) them all and never had a problem the likes of which any you speak, despite shooting frequently for training and quals. When sold guns I used to give people info and let them decide on their own. I tell them, “guns are like shoes. I am a size 12. There are other that are size 12. You may not be a size 12 also, so let’s see if we can find one in your size.” Essentially, there is an endless market and configuration possibility so who the #€££ would be so dumb as to think there is one end-all, be-all in firearms? Go with what fits your style and HAVING A GUN IN THE FIRE FIGHT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART! .I can win with a Hi-point if the other has a Kimber and can’t shoot to save his own life!

  11. Mark H. says:

    Own 3 Springfields. My 45 XD did have the firing pin pop up once within a thousand rounds but excellent customer service had a new one to me in little time. Being a mechanic, spread the pin a little and have yet to see problem again. 40 Xdm and 45 XD are great guns and shoot them more than my 1911. Love the ergonomics of grips. Do have to be honest here. Wouldn’t mind having one of every gun out there. USA 2nd amendment.

  12. E Szym says:

    I have a XDs and I like it very much I enjoy shooting the weapon, good shot group and I have not had any problems with it.

  13. Unclejimmy says:

    Listening to guys argue over which gun is crap or which is best is worse than watching an episode of Real Housewives. Almost every gun mentioned in this thread have been proven reliable and claiming one “the best” is exhausting and old. The funny part is, when the world goes to shit the guy with the 4k Nighthawk will probably be shot by a guy with a highpoint he didn’t see.

  14. Mike says:

    Man its been a litle bit since I’ve seen a good ole fashioned SSD purse swinging contest.

  15. Stephen Foster says:

    Stoked, I love springfield. No need for nonsense, keeping it simple can’t wait.

  16. Rob says:

    Not what I was hoping for but……… Looks nice, I just don’t see myself buying one since I already have an XDs in 9mm. If it had been a 380 micro or a 22lr on a XDs size frame or the 5.25 comp model with the grip zone frame I’d be in line.

  17. Mike says:

    I have a safe full of hand guns. My favorite little gun to shoot is the xds. Clearly the bashers haven’t a clue what they are talking about just trolling to show their intelligence. No misfires, no jams of any sorts. I feel safe using it for concealed carry. Shoots better groups than my shield or my P30sk. So what if it is croatian, foreign soils make some pretty darn good weapons.