
NRAAM 2017 – Geissele’s Absolute, Lower 1/3 and 1.93 Super Precision T1 Mounts

Here you can see the direct height comparisons for the Absolute, Lower 1/3 and 1.93 Super Precision T1 Mounts. The 1.93 will allow you get up over a PEQ.

Made from 7075 aluminum, they are available in Black or DDC (Desert Dirt Color) type 3 hard coat anodize.

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10 Responses to “NRAAM 2017 – Geissele’s Absolute, Lower 1/3 and 1.93 Super Precision T1 Mounts”

  1. Michael says:

    I’ve seen the 1.93″ mounts from multiple companies now. I’m simply curious, does anyone know why the 1.93″ specifically was chosen? For instance, why not a 1.90″ or 2.0″? I understand the desire for a mount in this height range, but am just curious how/why 1.93″ specifically has become the standard.

    Thank you

    • Pavlovian says:

      1.93″ is made so that the optic clears a PEQ-15. More important for variable optics like the Vortex Razor than reddots, though.

    • Chuck says:

      I could be wrong but I believe if you measure from the center of the bore to the center of your optic with a 1.93″ mount it puts your dot at 2″ above center bore on an AR platform.

      • Chuck says:

        Actually- it might be more like 2.5″. But I think measuring from center bore is where you’ll achieve the nice round number.

    • Michael says:

      Thanks guys,
      I understand the result of having an unobstructed field of view over a PEQ.
      But specifically I am curious why the number 1.93″ was chosen over something such as 1.8, 1.9, or 2.0.

      1.93″ just seems to be a very specific number. I am assuming that it was chosen intentionally. I just wonder why someone along the way chose 1.93 instead of something else. I know Larue has done a 1.93 for some time now. Just never heard who the first person was to develop that number.

      Simply curious is all.

  2. Eli says:

    What does the other side look like? I’m guessing these aren’t QD.

    • jim d says:

      It’s a 1/2″ nut which takes a wrench, but it does have a flat head slot milled into it.