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Catch Up With TYR Tactical Canada at CANSEC

TYR Tactical Canada™ is proud to announce its participation in CANSEC – Canada’s Global Defence and Security Trade Show. Get hands-on with the latest TYR Tactical®, Huron™ and Revere K9™ designs. Following our mantra, Innovate or Die®, these products continue our mission of pushing the standards of today’s tactical equipment, defining modularity and scalability and are custom made for you, The Next Generation Warrior®.

Show Details:
–> Learn how TYR Tactical Canada™ integrates DuPont™ Kevlar® Brand into not only soft armor but almost every piece of tactical nylon kit.
–> Speak one-on-one with our Team Specialist

Booth#: 1828

Want to speak with an International sales rep or schedule a meeting? Email us at glenn@tyrtactical.com or call 613-591-8666.


One Response to “Catch Up With TYR Tactical Canada at CANSEC”

  1. Beaver says:

    I like how the ad for Tyr Tactical Canada at a Canadian tactical show features… US flags.

    Not that it’s a big deal, but if they make the effort of doing that graphic, I’m sure they could’ve found a Canadian model.