
It’s Our 9th Anniversary

Publishing daily since 2008 has been tiring, as of late. However, some of our very first content was from SOFIC 2008, so it’s fitting we are here during this 9th anniversary.

26 Responses to “It’s Our 9th Anniversary”

  1. JW says:

    This is literally a part of my daily life, so keep up the good work!!!
    And announce a winner to your “caption this pic” post from last week.

  2. Jim says:

    Congrats as well, I visit here two or three times a day, it’s a very informative page, please keep writing it.

  3. JKifer says:

    Hey brother, been pickin up what you’re puttin down since 2008. Extremely appreciate your efforts on a daily basis, you keep on keeping on! Thanks and have a good one.

  4. STEPAN1983 says:

    Please please please turn off auto slide show for the pictures. Autoplay is always annoying.

  5. mark says:

    Thanks for all that do you here.

    SSD has been both a daily destination in my personal life, and was a huge source of exposure for me when I first started Gearward – I’d probably be working at a Starbucks if it wasn’t for your coverage.

  6. DAN III says:

    Congratulations. You guys have cost me a lot of money ? !

  7. Lasse says:

    Congrats! I think I’ve been reading SSD since pretty much the beginning, and it’s my go to site every day. Thanks for all your work.

  8. NWJeep says:

    Congrats Eric and the team! It’s always a pleasure visiting this site and I look forward to many more years of doing so!

  9. Noah @ TD says:

    Daily weekday routine

    1.) Turn on computer
    2.) Get coffee
    3.) Check SSD

    Congrats dude!

  10. Dan says:

    Like others have said part of my daily life since 2008. I don’t remember how I found this place back when I was stationed in Korea but I am glad I did.

  11. Sean says:

    Congrats! Multiple visits to SSD has been part of my daily routine since December 2008. Keep up the great work!

    • Sean says:

      It’s also be awesome to have met you a couple times at Warrior West. It really made my day when you gave me a KCRF patch on the WEW floor in 2014 because you saw me wearing my KCRF shirt

  12. Non-operator says:

    Been following since 2011, multiple checks daily. One of my favorite sites of all time.

  13. Mike Nomad says:

    Nine years?! Congratulations and Thank You Mr. SSD for all that you do. Your corner of the InterWebs is a great place to be.

  14. LCSO264 says:

    Congrats! Keep up the good work SSD, as many have already said, you’ve become part of my daily morning routine. As frustrating as the inter-webs are, SSD is a breath of fresh air (usually), with a “just the facts” and open minded approach to topics that often evoke passionate responses from readers.

    Anyway, keep it up

  15. Ian says:


  16. bradkaf308 says:

    Not sure when I found this awesome place but it was near the beginning 08/09 I think. Yes it has cost me a few $ too. Time & money well spent.
    Keep going!

  17. Woody says:

    If it wasn’t for SSD posting about us, we’d probably still be making holsters in the corner of a garage. Thank you for what you’ve done for businesses large and small in our industry.

  18. Riastradh says:

    Congrats!! – you guys have been part of my daily routine for the last couple of years. A big thankyou to Eric and all at SSD – keep up the great work.

  19. Bryan Black says:

    Congratulations Eric! Thanks for all your hard work in providing an awesome industry resource for the past nine years.

  20. Cy says:

    Congratulations. Keep up the good work.

  21. 404953-C says:

    Congrats Eric and Wolf. As others have stated, SSD is my main source of substantiated industry news. Pretty much every new credible product and business relationship I have started with SSD.

  22. Adun says:

    Happy Birthday Soldier Systems!

    Most people talk about growing up with “tactical” magazines, but for me, you guys are it. I hope to always have this site as THE place to go for up to date information on the industry. Keep up the good work!

  23. Congrats Mr G on not losing your mind after having to moderate your comments here for this long. Honestly, don’t think many people would have held up.

  24. Desert Lizard says:

    You should let a like-minded person write some content for you to spread the load sometimes. Anybody would be honored to do it.