SIG MMG 338 Program Series

Mayflower Jungle Kit


We’ve teased it a couple of times during development but it’s now available. The Mayflower Jungle Kit is designed to provide a load carriage solution for the hot, wet jungle environment. The pouches were designed around the amount and type of equipment usually needed for long duration jungle patrolling. All the pouches feature the Helium Whisper attachment system (zero water absorbency) and large diameter drain holes.

All materials and workmanship are 100% made in the USA. I’ve got a set in Coyote and if you’re looking for a belt kit, this is the one to get.

Four (4) kit options featuring different pouch setups:

Kit Option 1: 5.56, General Purpose Jungle Kit
Included: (4) 5.56 Pouches, (2) Canteen (2) GP Pouches (1) Harness and Belt Setup


Kit Option 2: 5.56, BP Jungle Kit
Included: (4) 5.56 Pouches, (2) Canteen (1) Butt Pack (1) Harness and Belt Setup


Kit Option 3: 7.62, General Purpose Jungle Kit
Included: (4) 7.62 Pouches, (2) Canteen (2) GP Pouches (1) Harness and Belt Setup


Kit Option 4: 7.62, BP Jungle Kit
Included: (4) 7.62 Pouches, (2) Canteen (1) Butt Pack (1) Harness and Belt Setup


The Jungle 40mm Chest Pouch Set is also now for sale as an additional accessory.


For more information and photos visit

*All the pouches listed below will also be for sale individually


27 Responses to “Mayflower Jungle Kit”

  1. CoolActionGuy says:

    Good God! $532!! Price aside, multicam tropic maybe?

    • Jon, OPT says:

      Working on MCT and ATACS iX, give it time.

      • Reseremb says:

        ATACS iX?

        Any request for it apart of the USASOC guys in the sniper competition and the Kurdish SOF unit that accompanies some US SOF in Syria?

        • Jon, OPT says:

          Yes, I’m requesting it, to sell. From units, none that I am aware of.

          We will also be asking for Ranger Green.

          • Reseremb says:

            Nice, had no idea it was having good private sales.

            Good old RG… so hard to find here 🙁

            • CWG says:

              Awesome. The 40mm rig is my favorite part, and there has been nothing similar. I’m in for a coyote and RG 40mm add on as I already have built molle LCE over the years.

    • some other joe says:

      Good God, indeed. Especially since, if my cyphering is right, option 4 (FAL Buttpack kit), the only one that is at the $532 base price, is only $457 if ordered in individual components.

  2. CWG says:

    Would buy if still in.

  3. BAP45 says:

    Amazing how much it looks like the old M1956.

  4. Che Guevara's Open Chest Wound says:

    Nice; kind of like ALICE’s modernized grandson. Last time Uncle Sugar sent me to the jungle, we were in BDUs and old-school LCE.

  5. jjj0309 says:

    It looks alot like First-Spear AGB Suspenders.
    ..But right now I’ll just be satisfied with my good old fashioned jungle rig, the ALICE.

  6. Renaissance Marine says:

    nice modern take on the old 782 gear. the air force security forces defensor fortis system does this pretty well also. this looks like a lighter rig….

  7. Sean says:

    Any difference between the Jungle Belt and the OUB? They look essentially the same to me.

  8. ptmccain says:

    Sorry, all I thought of when reading the headline was:

  9. GMK says:

    A green option would be good, too.

  10. Unimog says:

    Tacticool costs…how high speed do you wanna be..

    No thanks, over 500 for something that’s been done before, if the material that revolutionary? I’ll take Russian smersh sposn same thing and 400 + cheaper.

  11. Disco says:

    My ALICE LBE and woodland BDUs still work. My LBE was old when I got and that was in the 20th century. Like…Vietnam Old. STILL WORKS.

  12. Richard Schagen says:

    So with the 40mm rig, where does your buttstock go?

    • Unimog says:

      ATF says the cheek is an appropriate spot… why not

      • Richard Schagen says:

        I wish I could post photos, I have one if a chap doing that!!

    • Terry Baldwin says:


      I have not tried this rig on. But it looks to me that because the 40mm are mounted below the sternum strap that the buttstock of your weapon would fit nicely above and directly on top on either shoulder. In other words, unless the sternum strap was adjusted uncomfortably high and close to your neck there should be plenty of room.


  13. Stefan S. says:

    ALICE flashback. When you run out of new ideas (Like Hollywood) you “remake” stuff. Looks good though.

  14. Tungsten says:

    $50 for a single 556 pouch?
    These guys make Crye look cheap!

  15. Wtf says:
    Still one of the best choices if one wants a belt kit.
    If on budget, go for PLCE.